Things My Son Needs to Know about the World

Fredrik Backman (Alice Menzies)
Atria Books • 2019

Things My Son Needs to Know About the World collects the personal dispatches from the front lines of one of the most daunting experiences any man can experience: fatherhood.As he conveys his profound ...awe at experiencing all the "firsts" that fill him with wonder and catch him completely unprepared, Fredrik Backman doesn't shy away from revealing his own false steps and fatherly flaws, tackling issues both great and small, from masculinity and mid-life crises to practical jokes and poop.In between the sleep-deprived lows and wonderful highs, Backman takes a step back to share the true story of falling in love with a woman who is his complete opposite, and learning to live a life that revolves around the people you care about unconditionally. Alternating between humorous side notes and longer essays offering his son advice as he grows up and ventures out into the world, Backman relays the big and small lessons in life, including:-How to find the team you belong to -Why airports explain everything about religion and war -The reason starting a band is crucial to cultivating and keeping friendships -How to beat Monkey Island 3 -Why, sometimes, a dad might hold onto his son's hand just a little too tight.The #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Man Called Ove shares an irresistible and moving collection of heartfelt, fictional, humorous essays about fatherhood, providing his newborn son with the perspective and tools he'll need to make his way in the world.

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ANOTACE: Fredrik Backman vtipně stírá všechny úzkosti a nedostatky rodičů jednadvacátého století v půvabné knize plné upřímných obav a nepodmíněných vyznání lásky, která zasáhnou čtenářovo srdce. Mému synovi. Už teď se ti omlouvám. Za všechno, co udělám špatně. Za všechno, k čemu se nedostanu. Za minibus. Za kraťasy. Za tričko s nápisem „Správní chlapi váží [...] The post Fredrik Backman –[...]

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Kniha, ktorú napíšete pre svoje dieťa, by mala byť tá najkrajšia vec, čo spravíte. Nasýtená krásnymi myšlienkami a užitočnými radami. Lepšie je, ak to vytvoríte, keď je syn malý a ničomu nerozumie, pretože keď rozumieť bude, už nebude počúvať, a vtedy mu dáte pred nos toto dielo. Skôr si ho Fredrikov syn ani prečítať nemôže. Autor popísal frustráciu, ktorá pramenila zo zodpovednej[...]

HODNOTENIE:   ***                                 KNIHA MESIACA AUGUST  Fredrik Backman sa preslávil predovšetkým románom Muž menom Ove. Tentoraz prichádza s úplne inou knižkou, ktorou sa snaží vtipnou formou pripraviť svojho dvojročného syna na život a zároveň sa mu dopredu ospravedlniť za chyby, ktoré bude robiť v budúcnosti. Je dosť ťažké písať na takýto typ literatúry recenziu, preto[...]

Netajím sa tým, že Fredrikovi Backmanovi sa podarilo za pár rokov a pár kníh vybudovať si pevné miesto medzi mojimi obľúbenými autormi. Preto je jasné, že som si nemohla nechať ujsť ani jeho novinku pod názvom Co by můj syn měl vědět o světě. A keďže sa v tomto prípade dokonca ani nejedná o román,…

Things My Son Needs to Know About the World collects the personal dispatches from the front lines of one of the most daunting experiences any man can experience: fatherhood.

As he conveys his profound awe at experiencing all the "firsts" that fill him with wonder and catch him completely unprepared, Fredrik Backman doesn't shy away from revealing his own false steps and fatherly flaws, tackling issues both great and small, from masculinity and mid-life crises to practical jokes and poop.

In between the sleep-deprived lows and wonderful highs, Backman takes a step back to share the true story of falling in love with a woman who is his complete opposite, and learning to live a life that revolves around the people you care about unconditionally. Alternating between humorous side notes and longer essays offering his son advice as he grows up and ventures out into the world, Backman relays the big and small lessons in life, including:

-How to find the team you belong to
-Why airports explain everything about religion and war
-The reason starting a band is crucial to cultivating and keeping friendships
-How to beat Monkey Island 3
-Why, sometimes, a dad might hold onto his son's hand just a little too tight.

The #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Man Called Ove shares an irresistible and moving collection of heartfelt, fictional, humorous essays about fatherhood, providing his newborn son with the perspective and tools he'll need to make his way in the world.