
Daphne du Maurier Margaret Tarner
MacMillan • 2007

A carefully graded series of retold versions of popular classic and contemporary titles and specially written stories continue to grow and there are now over 170 titles in the series. Most titles are ...available with Audio CDs and most include accompanying exercises and glossaries. An outstanding love story that has been sensitively retold. The heroine, while employed as a personal companion, meets and falls in love with Maxim de Winter, a rich Englishman whose beautiful wife has recently died under tragic circumstances. To her surprise and joy, Maxim proposes to her. But the shadow of Rebecca, Maxim's first wife still dominates him.

  • Počet strán: 152 strán
  • ISBN13:9781405077132
  • Originálny názov: Rebecca

Hlavná hrdinka románu sa na francúzskej Riviére zaľúbi do príťažlivého a zámožného Angličana Maximiliana de Winter. Ľúbostný vzťah zakrátko spečatia manželským sľubom a zdá sa, že mladá manželka si rýchlo zvykne na nový domov na romantickom anglickom pobreží. Netuší však, že na jej šťastie čoskoro začne vrhať tieň prízrak Maximovej prvej ženy – nebohej Rebeccy. Vo vytváraní stiesňujúceho[...]

Tentoraz som si na minirecenzie vybrala dve diela s pochmúrnou historickou atmosférou. Jedno z nich bolo napísané v roku 1939, takže je atmosféra logický dôsledok času vzniku, v druhom prípade ide o novinku, ktorej dej sa odohráva v minulosti. Daphne du Maurier: Rebecca Hlavná hrdinka je mladá, zakríknutá a naivná sirota. Pre pracovné povinnosti sa ocitne na francúzskej riviére a podarí[...]

A carefully graded series of retold versions of popular classic and contemporary titles and specially written stories continue to grow and there are now over 170 titles in the series. Most titles are available with Audio CDs and most include accompanying exercises and glossaries. An outstanding love story that has been sensitively retold. The heroine, while employed as a personal companion, meets and falls in love with Maxim de Winter, a rich Englishman whose beautiful wife has recently died under tragic circumstances. To her surprise and joy, Maxim proposes to her. But the shadow of Rebecca, Maxim's first wife still dominates him.

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