Can You Keep a Straight Face?

Bernard Duisit Elsa Gehin
Thames & Hudson • 2013

Can you keep a straight face? Straight eyebrows? Straight lips? A straight...nose? These pages are packed with interactive tabs that allow children to pull funny faces with impunity. A pop-up book wit...h flaps to lift, tabs to pull and plenty of surprises!

  • Počet strán: 16 strán
  • ISBN13:9780500650912

Knihy neknihy sú u nás doma populárne. Rôzne obrázkové hračičky, nevšedné variácie na tému obrázok a papier. Napríklad táto hravá knižočka. Can You Keep a Straight Face je jedna zo série A Flip Flap Pop Up Book. Kupovala som ju pred časom v bratislavskom Chooze. […]

Can you keep a straight face? Straight eyebrows? Straight lips? A straight...nose? These pages are packed with interactive tabs that allow children to pull funny faces with impunity. A pop-up book with flaps to lift, tabs to pull and plenty of surprises!

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