Italian Shoes

Henning Mankell (Laurie Thompson)
The New Press • 2009

From the prizewinning “master of atmosphere” (Boston Globe) comes the surprising and affecting story of a man well past middle age who suddenly finds himself on the threshold of renewal.Living on a ti...a tiny island entirely surrounded by ice during the long winter months, Fredrik Welin is so lost to the world that he cuts a hole in the ice every morning and lowers himself into the freezing water to remind himself that he is alive. Haunted by memories of the terrible mistake that drove him to this island and away from a successful career as a surgeon, he lives in a stasis so complete an anthill grows undisturbed in his living room.When an unexpected visitor alters his life completely, thus begins an eccentric, elegiac journey—one that shows Mankell at the very height of his powers as a novelist.A deeply human tale of loss and redemption, Italian Shoes is a testament to the unpredictability of life, which breeds hope even in the face of tragedy..

Představovat českým čtenářům jednu z ikon severské krimi Henninga Mankella je asi zcela zbytečné. Jeho veleúspěšná série s komisařem Wallanderem si získala srdce čtenářů po celém světě a ani u nás se jí nevedlo...

Recenze - Knihy

ANOTACE: Překvapující a dojemný příběh muže, který se ocitne na prahu svého vlastního obrození. Fredrik Welin žije na malém ostrově, který je během zimních měsíců zcela obklopený ledem. Cítí se ve svém životě tak ztracený, že každé ráno vysekává do ledu díru a noří se do mrazivé vody, aby si připomněl, že žije. Pronásledován vzpomínkami [...]

From the prizewinning “master of atmosphere” (Boston Globe) comes the surprising and affecting story of a man well past middle age who suddenly finds himself on the threshold of renewal.

Living on a tiny island entirely surrounded by ice during the long winter months, Fredrik Welin is so lost to the world that he cuts a hole in the ice every morning and lowers himself into the freezing water to remind himself that he is alive. Haunted by memories of the terrible mistake that drove him to this island and away from a successful career as a surgeon, he lives in a stasis so complete an anthill grows undisturbed in his living room.

When an unexpected visitor alters his life completely, thus begins an eccentric, elegiac journey—one that shows Mankell at the very height of his powers as a novelist.

A deeply human tale of loss and redemption, Italian Shoes is a testament to the unpredictability of life, which breeds hope even in the face of tragedy.
