A Little Princess

Frances Hodgson Burnett (U.C. Knoepflmacher)
Penguin Books • 2002

Frances Hodgson Burnett's enduring tale, brought to life in a new book-plus-audio edition. In one of the best-loved classic tales for children, Sara Crewe is sent to England to attend Miss Minchin's b...oarding school for girls. Her time there starts wonderfully as she is treated just like a princess. Unfortunately it is because Miss Minchin is hoping to gain a piece of Sara's family fortune. But when Sara's wealthy father dies and leaves her penniless, Miss Minchin makes Sara do the worst chores in the house. Still, as badly as Miss Minchin treats Sara, with a little help from her friends and her imagination, Sara is determined to find happiness no matter what. A Little Princess is read by Royal Shakespeare actor Lucy Whybrow, with music and effects to set the mood. With the included audio you can HEAR the entire book, word for word, READ ALONG with the audio, or READ the story on your own. Each HEAR IT READ IT classic presents the world's greatest stories in an easy-to-read abridged format. The included audio contains a dramatic reading-with music and sound effects-that match the text, word for word, so children of all ages and reading levels can read along.

  • Počet strán: 242 strán
  • ISBN13:9780142437018
  • Ďalšie vydania: Malá princezná

Sumár recenzie
Nádherné nové vydanie nesmrteľného klasického príbehu o sile odhodlania a fantázie je ukážkou toho, ako aj v najťažších okolnostiach môžeme zostať silní a odolávať všetkým prekážkam. Hlavná hrdinka Sara je príkladom odhodlania, ktoré jej pomáha prekonať biedu a útlak a neustále sa usmievať na život. Ilustrované vydanie príbehu krásne dopĺňajú a pomáhajú rozvinúť výsledný dojem zo čítania.

Frances Hodgson Burnett's enduring tale, brought to life in a new book-plus-audio edition.
In one of the best-loved classic tales for children, Sara Crewe is sent to England to attend Miss Minchin's boarding school for girls. Her time there starts wonderfully as she is treated just like a princess. Unfortunately it is because Miss Minchin is hoping to gain a piece of Sara's family fortune.
But when Sara's wealthy father dies and leaves her penniless, Miss Minchin makes Sara do the worst chores in the house. Still, as badly as Miss Minchin treats Sara, with a little help from her friends and her imagination, Sara is determined to find happiness no matter what.
A Little Princess is read by Royal Shakespeare actor Lucy Whybrow, with music and effects to set the mood.
With the included audio you can HEAR the entire book, word for word, READ ALONG with the audio, or READ the story on your own.
Each HEAR IT READ IT classic presents the world's greatest stories in an easy-to-read abridged format. The included audio contains a dramatic reading-with music and sound effects-that match the text, word for word, so children of all ages and reading levels can read along.