Gone Viking

Helen Russell

Be bold. Be brave. Be Viking...The uplifting, laugh out loud debut novel from the bestselling author of THE YEAR OF LIVING DANISHLYFrazzled mum Alice Ray likes to think she’s on top everything – she h...he has FOUR bags-for-life in the boot of her car for heaven's sake. But after spectacularly embarrassing herself at work, she finally gives in to her sister’s pleas to take a much needed break.But this is not the luxury spa holiday Alice hoped for – instead, she finds herself in Denmark, in the middle of nowhere, on a ‘How to be a Viking’ getaway.Can the two sisters finally learn to get along or will learning to embrace their inner warrior just make them better at fighting?Two sisters. One Scandi holiday they'll never forget...GONE VIKING is a laugh out loud debut novel perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella's Surprise Me

Recenziu knihy Hra na Vikingov začnem doslova povrchne - od obálky. Mäkká väzba jej svedčí, hoci vo väčšine prípadov dávam prednosť pevnej. Je odolnejšia, trvácnejšia a viac poslúcha, keď otvorenú knihu položíte na stôl. Tu mi to však nevadilo, vzhľadom na žáner a príbeh vydavateľstvo Lindeni zvolilo správnu formu. Na prvý pohľad jednoduchá grafika v sebe tiež skrýva viacero pre dej[...]

Dve rozdielne sestry a jedna „úžasná“ dovolenka v Škandinávii, ktorá zmení ich pohľad na isté situácie a pomôže im pochopiť, o čo vlastne v živote ide. Alice je prepracovaná matka, ktorá nie je spokojná s tým, kam sa uberajú jej kroky. Naopak jej sestra Melissa má prácu, ktorú zbožňuje a nič jej nechýba. Srší radosťou. Ale nie je to len klam? Ich spoločný výlet odkryje to, čoho sa obe[...]

Be bold. Be brave. Be Viking...

The uplifting, laugh out loud debut novel from the bestselling author of THE YEAR OF LIVING DANISHLY

Frazzled mum Alice Ray likes to think she’s on top everything – she has FOUR bags-for-life in the boot of her car for heaven's sake. But after spectacularly embarrassing herself at work, she finally gives in to her sister’s pleas to take a much needed break.

But this is not the luxury spa holiday Alice hoped for – instead, she finds herself in Denmark, in the middle of nowhere, on a ‘How to be a Viking’ getaway.

Can the two sisters finally learn to get along or will learning to embrace their inner warrior just make them better at fighting?

Two sisters. One Scandi holiday they'll never forget...

GONE VIKING is a laugh out loud debut novel perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella's Surprise Me