The Librarian of Auschwitz

Antonio Iturbe (Lilit Thwaites)
Henry Holt • 2017

Based on the experience of real-life Auschwitz prisoner Dita Kraus, this is the incredible story of a girl who risked her life to keep the magic of books alive during the Holocaust.Fourteen-year-old D...ita is one of the many imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Taken, along with her mother and father, from the Terezín ghetto in Prague, Dita is adjusting to the constant terror that is life in the camp. When Jewish leader Freddy Hirsch asks Dita to take charge of the eight precious volumes the prisoners have managed to sneak past the guards, she agrees. And so Dita becomes the librarian of Auschwitz. Out of one of the darkest chapters of human history comes this extraordinary story of courage and hope.

Nebola to veľká knižnica. Vlastne pozostávala len z ôsmich kníh a niektoré z nich boli v úbohom stave. Boli to však knihy. Na tomto neuveriteľne temnom mieste predstavovali pripomienku lepších časov, keď slová zneli hlasnejšie ako guľomety. (Knihovníčka z Auschwitzu: Antonio Iturbe; Preklad: Michal Zidor) V jednom z najtemnejších období v histórii ľudstva sa zrodil jedinečný príbeh[...]

Dlhšie som nečítala príbeh z obdobia druhej svetovej vojny. Rozhodla som sa napraviť to knihou od Antonia Iturbe s názvom Knihovníčka z Auschwitzu. Knihu je inšpirovaná skutočnými udalosťami. Mladú dievčinu Ditu s rodinou zajali nacisti. Uväznili ich najskôr v Terezíne a neskôr boli transportovaní do koncentračného tábora Auswchwitz. Dita sa v tábore dostala do bloku … Čítať ďalej Knihovníčka[...]

Po nedávnej návšteve Auschwitzu vo mne ostala nálada, v ktorej som mala chuť ponoriť sa do príbehov ľudí… The post Antonio G. Iturbe: Osvětimská knihovnice appeared first on Blog o knihách.

Based on the experience of real-life Auschwitz prisoner Dita Kraus, this is the incredible story of a girl who risked her life to keep the magic of books alive during the Holocaust.
Fourteen-year-old Dita is one of the many imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Taken, along with her mother and father, from the Terezín ghetto in Prague, Dita is adjusting to the constant terror that is life in the camp. When Jewish leader Freddy Hirsch asks Dita to take charge of the eight precious volumes the prisoners have managed to sneak past the guards, she agrees. And so Dita becomes the librarian of Auschwitz.

Out of one of the darkest chapters of human history comes this extraordinary story of courage and hope.