A Boy Made of Blocks

Keith Stuart
Sphere • 2016

A father who rediscovers love Alex loves his wife Jody, but has forgotten how to show it. He loves his son Sam, but doesn't understand him. He needs a reason to grab his future with both hands. A son ...who shows him how to live Meet eight-year-old Sam: beautiful, surprising - and different. To him the world is a frightening mystery. But as his imagination comes to life, his family will be changed . . . for good.

  • Počet strán: 416 strán
  • ISBN13:9780751563290
  • Ďalšie vydania: Chlapec z kociek

HODNOTENIE:    ****"Minulý rok nám po nekonečných mesiacoch testov a pohovorov pediatrička oznámila, že sa Sam nachádza v hornej časti autistického spektra. V časti samostatnejších jedincov. V nenáročnej časti. Má ťažkosti s vyjadrovaním, bojí sa spoločenských interakcií, neznesie hlasné zvuky, je posadnutý istými vecami, a keď niečomu nerozumie alebo sa zľakne, dá to výrazne a celým telom[...]

A father who rediscovers love Alex loves his wife Jody, but has forgotten how to show it. He loves his son Sam, but doesn't understand him. He needs a reason to grab his future with both hands. A son who shows him how to live Meet eight-year-old Sam: beautiful, surprising - and different. To him the world is a frightening mystery. But as his imagination comes to life, his family will be changed . . . for good.

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