Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices from the Afghanistan War

Svetlana Alexievich (Larry Heinemann, Julia Whitby a Robin Whitby)

Winner of the Nobel Prize: “For her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time.” —Swedish Academy, Nobel Prize citationFrom 1979 to 1989 a million Soviet troops engaged in a ... in a devastating war in Afghanistan that claimed 50,000 casualties—and the youth and humanity of many tens of thousands more. Creating controversy and outrage when it was first published in the USSR—it was called by reviewers there a “slanderous piece of fantasy” and part of a “hysterical chorus of malign attacks”—Zinky Boys presents the candid and affecting testimony of the officers and grunts, nurses and prostitutes, mothers, sons, and daughters who describe the war and its lasting effects. What emerges is a story that is shocking in its brutality and revelatory in its similarities to the American experience in Vietnam. The Soviet dead were shipped back in sealed zinc coffins (hence the term “Zinky Boys”), while the state denied the very existence of the conflict. Svetlana Alexievich brings us the truth of the Soviet-Afghan War: the beauty of the country and the savage Army bullying, the killing and the mutilation, the profusion of Western goods, the shame and shattered lives of returned veterans. Zinky Boys offers a unique, harrowing, and unforgettably powerful insight into the harsh realities of war.

Ďalšia nezmyselná vojna. Pod zámienkou „pomoci“. Ďalšie vyhasnuté životy. Prečo? Lebo to chcela vlasť? Lebo bude každý hrdinom? Lebo keď prídu domov, bude sa im lepšie žiť? Také odporné klamstvá. Ale ľudia verili. Verili, pretože ich o to požiadala ich krajina. A to bolo sväté. Takto boli všetci vychovávaní. Bola to ich česť a povinnosť!Svetlana zase nechcela mlčať, keď vedela, čo sa deje.[...]

*** Gabaldon historické Omega Panicové Recenze romantické zamilované ženské

HODNOTENIE:   ****"Zinkové rakvy vtedy ešte nevidel nikto. To až potom sme sa dozvedeli, že sa už do mesta vozili, ale pochovávali sa tajne, v noci a na náhrobných doskách sa písalo: "umrel" namiesto "zahynul." (s.31).  Tak ako majú Američania svoju traumu, ktorá sa nazýva Vietnam, tak podobnú traumu má aj Rusko. Volá sa Afganistan. Nezmyselný desaťročný vojnový konflikt (1979 -1989) si[...]

Recenzie Dejiny Svetlana Alexijevič

Už nechcela písať o žiadnej vojne. Bála sa ďalších príbehov o ľudskom utrpení, o zbytočnej smrti. Práca na knihe o osudoch ruských žien vo Veľkej vlasteneckej vojne - Vojna nemá ženskú tvár - ju, podľa jej vlastných slov, fyzicky aj psychicky úplne vyčerpala. Lenže v osemdesiatych rokoch začali sovietskym matkám a manželkám z Afganistanu voziť zinkové rakvy a Svetlana Alexijevič nevládala[...]

Pro mne jednoznačně nejlepší kniha tohoto roku. A to, pokud počítám knihy vydané v tomto roce a pokud počítám knihy, které jsem v tomto roce četl, tak se dělí o první a druhé místo s Uličkou od Gail Tsukiyamy (to přechýlení je oči i uši trhající). --- Světlana Alexijevič je běloruská spisovatelka oceněná Nobelovou cenou.…

Winner of the Nobel Prize: “For her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time.” —Swedish Academy, Nobel Prize citation

From 1979 to 1989 a million Soviet troops engaged in a devastating war in Afghanistan that claimed 50,000 casualties—and the youth and humanity of many tens of thousands more. Creating controversy and outrage when it was first published in the USSR—it was called by reviewers there a “slanderous piece of fantasy” and part of a “hysterical chorus of malign attacks”—Zinky Boys presents the candid and affecting testimony of the officers and grunts, nurses and prostitutes, mothers, sons, and daughters who describe the war and its lasting effects. What emerges is a story that is shocking in its brutality and revelatory in its similarities to the American experience in Vietnam. The Soviet dead were shipped back in sealed zinc coffins (hence the term “Zinky Boys”), while the state denied the very existence of the conflict. Svetlana Alexievich brings us the truth of the Soviet-Afghan War: the beauty of the country and the savage Army bullying, the killing and the mutilation, the profusion of Western goods, the shame and shattered lives of returned veterans. Zinky Boys offers a unique, harrowing, and unforgettably powerful insight into the harsh realities of war.