The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things

Ann Aguirre
Feiwel & Friends • 2015

Sage Czinski is trying really hard to be perfect. If she manages it, people won’t peer beyond the surface, or ask hard questions about her past. She’s learned to substitute causes for relationships, a...s, and it’s working just fine… until Shane Cavendish strolls into her math class. He’s a little antisocial, a lot beautiful, and everything she never knew she always wanted.Shane Cavendish just wants to be left alone to play guitar and work on his music. He’s got heartbreak and loneliness in his rearview mirror, and this new school represents his last chance. He doesn’t expect to be happy; he only wants to graduate and move on. He never counted on a girl like Sage.But love doesn’t mend all broken things, and sometimes life has to fall apart before it can be put back together again…

  • Počet strán: 328 strán
  • ISBN13:9781250047502

2015RCH Hodnotenia Mesačné zhrnutia Mini recenzia Zoznamy Čítanie 2015

JÚN A-hojte! Ako môžete vidieť, všetky zameškané mesačné zhrnutia som stihla dať za +/- týždeň. Takže aspoň sama pre seba som zistila, že keď mám čas, chcem a sadnem si na riť, tak viem aj rýchlejšie písať články ako doteraz. Juchú, našla som v mojom zanedbávaní pozitívum, to si dovoľ. :D Takže, jún, jún, jún... čo som to robila (hľadám mobil, aby som si mohla pozrieť Jorteho - btw.[...]

Sage Czinski is trying really hard to be perfect. If she manages it, people won’t peer beyond the surface, or ask hard questions about her past. She’s learned to substitute causes for relationships, and it’s working just fine… until Shane Cavendish strolls into her math class. He’s a little antisocial, a lot beautiful, and everything she never knew she always wanted.

Shane Cavendish just wants to be left alone to play guitar and work on his music. He’s got heartbreak and loneliness in his rearview mirror, and this new school represents his last chance. He doesn’t expect to be happy; he only wants to graduate and move on. He never counted on a girl like Sage.

But love doesn’t mend all broken things, and sometimes life has to fall apart before it can be put back together again…