Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices, #2)

Cassandra Clare (Franca Fritz)

Would you trade your soul mate for your soul?A Shadowhunter’s life is bound by duty. Constrained by honor. The word of a Shadowhunter is a solemn pledge, and no vow is more sacred than the vow that bi...binds parabatai, warrior partners—sworn to fight together, die together, but never to fall in love.Emma Carstairs has learned that the love she shares with her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, isn’t just forbidden—it could destroy them both. She knows she should run from Julian. But how can she when the Blackthorns are threatened by enemies on all sides?Their only hope is the Black Volume of the Dead, a spell book of terrible power. Everyone wants it. Only the Blackthorns can find it. Spurred on by a dark bargain with the Seelie Queen, Emma; her best friend, Cristina; and Mark and Julian Blackthorn journey into the Courts of Faerie, where glittering revels hide bloody danger and no promise can be trusted. Meanwhile, rising tension between Shadowhunters and Downworlders has produced the Cohort, an extremist group of Shadowhunters dedicated to registering Downworlders and “unsuitable” Nephilim. They’ll do anything in their power to expose Julian’s secrets and take the Los Angeles Institute for their own.When Downworlders turn against the Clave, a new threat rises in the form of the Lord of Shadows—the Unseelie King, who sends his greatest warriors to slaughter those with Blackthorn blood and seize the Black Volume. As dangers close in, Julian devises a risky scheme that depends on the cooperation of an unpredictable enemy. But success may come with a price he and Emma cannot even imagine, one that will bring with it a reckoning of blood that could have repercussions for everyone and everything they hold dear.

Aká bude cena za prežitie? Mladá tieňolovkyňa Emma Carstairsová pomstila smrť rodičov, no nedokáže nájsť pokoj v duši. Jej priateľstvo s Julianom Blackthornom totiž prerástlo v obojstrannú náklonnosť. No láska medzi parabataimi je zakázaná, lebo ohrozuje životy tieňolovcov. Mohla by od Juliana utiecť, ale Blackthornovcov ohrozujú nepriateľské sily na všetkých frontoch. Len oni totiž dokážu[...]

Žáner: fantasy, YA Vydavateľstvo: SlovartSéria: Tajomná temnotaDiel: #2Počet strán: 608 stránVäzba: brožovaná väzbaOriginálny názov: Lord of ShadowsAnotácia:Mladá tieňolovkyňa Emma Carstairsová pomstila smrť rodičov, no nedokáže nájsť pokoj v duši. Jej priateľstvo s Julianom Blackthornom totiž prerástlo v obojstrannú náklonnosť. No láska medzi parabataimi je zakázaná, lebo ohrozuje životy[...]

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Ďalší rok za nami a ja sa nestíham čudovať, ako rýchlo to letí a mne to už ťahá na dvadsiatku. Rok 2017 bol pre mňa, čo sa týka kníh a blogu, trochu chudobnejší. Prečítala som dokopy 63 kníh, čo bolo 21 954 strán dokopy. Moje priemerné hodnotenie sú 4 hviezdičky a najdlhšia kniha bol Lord of Shadows. Do rúk sa mi dostalo množstvo fantastických titulov, o ktorých sa dozviete práve v tomto[...]

Škola skončila! Ani neviete, aká som z toho nadšená, ale zároveň sa mi ani nechce začať leto, pretože toto sú moje posledné 2 dni voľna a potom budem asi celé leto robiť. Aké bolo vysvedčenie? Ja som úspešne zmaturovala zo slovenčiny, takže budúci rok hlavne anglina a ekonomika. Ani neviete, aký kameň mi padol zo srdca, keď som si vytiahla Klasicizmus. Čo plánujete na prázdniny? The Catcher[...]

Would you trade your soul mate for your soul?

A Shadowhunter’s life is bound by duty. Constrained by honor. The word of a Shadowhunter is a solemn pledge, and no vow is more sacred than the vow that binds parabatai, warrior partners—sworn to fight together, die together, but never to fall in love.

Emma Carstairs has learned that the love she shares with her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, isn’t just forbidden—it could destroy them both. She knows she should run from Julian. But how can she when the Blackthorns are threatened by enemies on all sides?

Their only hope is the Black Volume of the Dead, a spell book of terrible power. Everyone wants it. Only the Blackthorns can find it. Spurred on by a dark bargain with the Seelie Queen, Emma; her best friend, Cristina; and Mark and Julian Blackthorn journey into the Courts of Faerie, where glittering revels hide bloody danger and no promise can be trusted. Meanwhile, rising tension between Shadowhunters and Downworlders has produced the Cohort, an extremist group of Shadowhunters dedicated to registering Downworlders and “unsuitable” Nephilim. They’ll do anything in their power to expose Julian’s secrets and take the Los Angeles Institute for their own.

When Downworlders turn against the Clave, a new threat rises in the form of the Lord of Shadows—the Unseelie King, who sends his greatest warriors to slaughter those with Blackthorn blood and seize the Black Volume. As dangers close in, Julian devises a risky scheme that depends on the cooperation of an unpredictable enemy. But success may come with a price he and Emma cannot even imagine, one that will bring with it a reckoning of blood that could have repercussions for everyone and everything they hold dear.