Differently Normal

Tammy Robinson
• 2017

Every family has its issues. For Maddy, life is all about routine. It has to be, to keep her autistic sister happy and healthy. With just Maddy and her mother as Bee’s full time carers, there’s no tim... time in Maddy’s life for complications like friends, let alone a boyfriend. So when Bee joins a new Riding for the Disabled stable and they meet Albert, the last thing on Maddy’s mind is falling in love. Some things, she’s about to learn, are outside of our control.Albert has resigned himself to always being a disappointment to his strict father. When he meets Maddy, he gets a glimpse of what being part of a family can be like, and of the tremendous sacrifices that people will make for the ones that they love.Differently Normal is a spellbinding story of love that will leave you breathless.

Inak normálni Tammy Robinson „Bez zlomeného srdca niet pravej lásky."  Maddie by bola obyčajné dievča, ak by na ňu doma nečakala sestra Bee, ktorá je autistka. Život s Bee je ťažký, ale Maddie robí všetko pre to, aby bola jej sestra šťastná. Kúpe ju, pripravuje jej jedlo, chodí s ňou na hodiny jazdectva. Na jednej takejto hodine spozná Alberta, chlapca, ktorý žije s pocitom, že sklamal[...]

V poslední době jsem si zvykla číst vybranou současnou literaturu, která podle mě bude mít na můj čtenářský zážitek velký dopad a na kterou jen tak nezapomennu. Z nějaké části do této kategorie spadá i román Normálně jiní

AUTOR:  Tammy Robinson ORIGINÁL: Differently Normal (Piatkus, 2018) PŘEKLAD: ivana Svobodová NAKLADATELSTVÍ: Grada - Cosmopolis ROK: 2018 POČET STRAN: 336 ZDROJ: vlastní Anotace ​Žádná rodina není ideální. Každá má svoje problémy. Devatenáctiletá Maddy dělí svůj život mezi práci ve fotolabu a péči o svou mladší autistickou sestru B, která vyžaduje celodenní péči. Stará se o ni[...]

Every family has its issues.

For Maddy, life is all about routine. It has to be, to keep her autistic sister happy and healthy. With just Maddy and her mother as Bee’s full time carers, there’s no time in Maddy’s life for complications like friends, let alone a boyfriend.

So when Bee joins a new Riding for the Disabled stable and they meet Albert, the last thing on Maddy’s mind is falling in love.

Some things, she’s about to learn, are outside of our control.

Albert has resigned himself to always being a disappointment to his strict father. When he meets Maddy, he gets a glimpse of what being part of a family can be like, and of the tremendous sacrifices that people will make for the ones that they love.

Differently Normal is a spellbinding story of love that will leave you breathless.