You Were Made for This

Michelle Sacks

A gripping page-turner for fans of THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR, Michelle Sacks's You Were Made For This provocatively explores the darker sides of marriage, motherhood. and friendship. Doting wife, devoted h...usband, cherished child. Merry, Sam, and Conor are the perfect family in the perfect place. Merry adores the domestic life: baking, gardening, caring for her infant son. Sam, formerly an academic, is pursuing a new career as a filmmaker. Sometimes they can hardly believe how lucky they are. What perfect new lives they've built.When Merry's childhood friend Frank visits their Swedish paradise, she immediately becomes part of the family. She bonds with Conor. And with Sam. She befriends the neighbors, and even finds herself embracing the domesticity she's always seemed to scorn.All their lives, Frank and Merry have been more like sisters than best friends. And that's why Frank soon sees the things others might miss. Treacherous things, which are almost impossible to believe when looking at this perfect family. But Frank, of all people, knows that the truth is rarely what you want the world to see.

AUTOR: Michelle SacksNAZOV: V dobrém i zlém (You Were Made for This)VYDAVATEĽSTVO: Cosmopolis (Hachette)ROK VYDANIA: 2018 (2018)POČET STRÁN: 296PREKLAD: Milan Lžička Napínavý psychothriller plný nečekaných zvratů, který provokativně odhaluje temnou stranu manželství, mateřství a přátelství.  Bezmezně milující manželka, oddaný manžel, opečovávané dítě. Američané Merry, Sam a Conor jsou[...]


Možná mám štěstí na výběr knih, ale zdá se mi, že se v poslední době v žánru thrilleru blýská na zářné časy. Nechápejte mě špatně, já thrillery miluju odjakživa a vždycky jsem zbožňovala i tu jejich poněkud konzumní tvář, kdy hltáte jeden napínavý příběh za druhým a ani vám tolik nevadí, že není vždy superoriginální. Ale za poslední rok se mi dostávají do ruky thrillerové skvosty, které[...]


Říká se, že léto je okurková sezóna, ale já si dovolím nesouhlasit. Aspoň v nakladatelství Cosmopolis se pěkně činí a na polovinu srpna si přichystali skvělou thrillerovou novinku V dobrém i zlém. Tento titul slibuje pořádně mrazivé čtení plné lží a polopravd, příběh obestřený těžkým dědictvím minulosti a postupné odhalování toho, zda i ve skutečnosti jsou věci takové, jaké se na první[...]

A gripping page-turner for fans of THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR, Michelle Sacks's You Were Made For This provocatively explores the darker sides of marriage, motherhood. and friendship. Doting wife, devoted husband, cherished child. Merry, Sam, and Conor are the perfect family in the perfect place. Merry adores the domestic life: baking, gardening, caring for her infant son. Sam, formerly an academic, is pursuing a new career as a filmmaker. Sometimes they can hardly believe how lucky they are. What perfect new lives they've built.

When Merry's childhood friend Frank visits their Swedish paradise, she immediately becomes part of the family. She bonds with Conor. And with Sam. She befriends the neighbors, and even finds herself embracing the domesticity she's always seemed to scorn.

All their lives, Frank and Merry have been more like sisters than best friends. And that's why Frank soon sees the things others might miss. Treacherous things, which are almost impossible to believe when looking at this perfect family. But Frank, of all people, knows that the truth is rarely what you want the world to see.