The Iron Trial (Magisterium, #1)

Holly Black a Cassandra Clare (Scott Fischer)
Scholastic Press • 2014

All his life, Call has been warned by his father to stay away from magic. To succeed at the Iron Trial and be admitted into the vaunted Magisterium school would bring bad things. But he fails at Only hard work, loyal friends, danger, and a puppy await.

Fantasy Recenzie

   Holly Black Cassandra Clare Čítané: 4/2018Počet strán: 294Väzba: brožovaná Vydavateľstvo: SlovartRok vydania:2018 (2.vydanie)Žáner: fantasy Úryvok: Upierala naňho prázdne biele oči. Pritisol si dieťa na hruď a voľnou rukou vytiahol Sarah z dlane Semiramis. V ľade kúsok od čepele si všimol zvláštne značky. Vyzerali akoby ich v smrteľných kŕčoch vyryla nechtami, ibaže boli príliš[...]

All his life, Call has been warned by his father to stay away from magic. To succeed at the Iron Trial and be admitted into the vaunted Magisterium school would bring bad things. But he fails at failing. Only hard work, loyal friends, danger, and a puppy await.