King & King & Family

Linda de Haan a Stern Nijland

Join newlyweds King Lee and King Bertie on their journey into the noisy jungle. The kings are greeted by wild animal families, but the royal travelers suspect that something more significant awaits th...em in the trees. King & King soon discover that there'¬?s no adventure more wonderful than starting a family of their own. Jubilant sequel to Lambda Literary Award nominee KING & KING.  Subtle clues on each page lead readers to a surprise ending. In a starred review, Kirkus called KING & KING "A joyful celebration that . . . firmly challenges the assumptions established and perpetuated by the entire canon of children'¬?s picture books." An adoption story for everyone.

od 3 rokov od 5 rokov recenzie cesky diverzita ine knihy lgbt picture book vetrne mlyny

Možno si ešte pamätáte knihu o princovi, ktorý si nevedel nájsť nevestu. Jeho srdce ale zahorelo láskou k inému princovi. Princ & princ sa končil svadbou. Čo sa dialo v kráľovstve po nej, sa dozviete v knihe Kráľ a kráľ a rodina. Novomanželia sa vyberú […]

Join newlyweds King Lee and King Bertie on their journey into the noisy jungle. The kings are greeted by wild animal families, but the royal travelers suspect that something more significant awaits them in the trees. King & King soon discover that there'¬?s no adventure more wonderful than starting a family of their own. Jubilant sequel to Lambda Literary Award nominee KING & KING.  Subtle clues on each page lead readers to a surprise ending. In a starred review, Kirkus called KING & KING "A joyful celebration that . . . firmly challenges the assumptions established and perpetuated by the entire canon of children'¬?s picture books." An adoption story for everyone.