Camino Island (Camino Island #1)

John Grisham
Doubleday • 2017

A gang of thieves stage a daring heist from a vault deep below Princeton University's Firestone Library. Their loot is priceless, impossible to resist.Bruce Cable owns a popular bookstore in the sleep...y resort town of Santa Rosa on Camino Island in Florida. He makes his real money, though, as a prominent dealer in rare books. Very few people know that he occasionally dabbles in unsavory ventures.Mercer Mann is a young novelist with a severe case of writer's block who has recently been laid off from her teaching position. She is approached by an elegant, mysterious woman working for an even more mysterious company. A generous monetary offer convinces Mercer to go undercover and infiltrate Cable's circle of literary friends, to get close to the ringleader, to discover his secrets.But soon Mercer learns far too much, and there's trouble in paradise--as only John Grisham can deliver it.


Po každom zločine zostávajú stopy, ktoré sú po čase odhalené „Francis Scott Fitzgerald začal študovať na Princetonskej univerzite v roku 1913. Už ako šestnásťročný sníval, že napíše veľký americký román. Pustil sa do svojej práce a vytvoril prvú verziu románu Táto strana raja. O štyri roky neskôr odišiel zo školy a vstúpil do armády. Vojna sa neskončila skôr, než ho povolali. Dnes už[...]

A gang of thieves stage a daring heist from a vault deep below Princeton University's Firestone Library. Their loot is priceless, impossible to resist.

Bruce Cable owns a popular bookstore in the sleepy resort town of Santa Rosa on Camino Island in Florida. He makes his real money, though, as a prominent dealer in rare books. Very few people know that he occasionally dabbles in unsavory ventures.

Mercer Mann is a young novelist with a severe case of writer's block who has recently been laid off from her teaching position. She is approached by an elegant, mysterious woman working for an even more mysterious company. A generous monetary offer convinces Mercer to go undercover and infiltrate Cable's circle of literary friends, to get close to the ringleader, to discover his secrets.

But soon Mercer learns far too much, and there's trouble in paradise--as only John Grisham can deliver it.