A Valley Dream (Backshaw Moss #1)

Anna Jacobs

1935. At thirty-six, Bella Porter is dependent on her abusive cousin, acting as an unpaid servant. When a kind relative leaves her a house in the village of Backshaw Moss, Thomas tries to take it from... her, but she defies him and grasps this chance of a new start in Lancashire. It is not going to be easy, though. The house is on the edge of a slum and in a state of disrepair, let out to various people, some good, some bad. But if she succeeds in keeping her house, she might also gain other benefits.

Sumár recenzie
Recenzia na knihu, ktorú nájdeš na uvedenom odkaze, zhodnocuje príbeh a postavy. Kniha je považovaná za zaujímavú a čitateľsky prístupnú. Recenzent vyzdvihuje atmosféru a napätie prítomné v príbehu. V texte sa nachádza silná veta: "Kniha je dobre napísaná a odhaľuje zaujímavé vrstvy vývoja postáv."

1935. At thirty-six, Bella Porter is dependent on her abusive cousin, acting as an unpaid servant. When a kind relative leaves her a house in the village of Backshaw Moss, Thomas tries to take it from her, but she defies him and grasps this chance of a new start in Lancashire. It is not going to be easy, though. The house is on the edge of a slum and in a state of disrepair, let out to various people, some good, some bad. But if she succeeds in keeping her house, she might also gain other benefits.