Written and Drawn by Henrietta


Reading books is fun . . . but what about making them? Armed with new colored pencils, Henrietta's ready to try. Peek over her shoulder as she draws the story of a brave young girl, a three-headed mon...ster, and an impossibly wide world of adventure. Whether read aloud to a toddler or discovered by a young reader, Liniers's celebration of the creative process is sure to make everyone want to bring out their pencils.

Sumár recenzie
Sumár: Recenzia na knihu je veľmi pozitívna. Autorka recenzie popisuje, ako sa kniha nádhernou formou zaoberá dôležitými témami detstva a fantázie. Podľa autorky je kniha výnimočná svojim originálnym prístupom a úchvatnými ilustráciami. V závere recenzie autorka výstižne podčiarkuje, že táto kniha je absolútne jedinečný diel, ktorý by mal mať každý milovník literatúry v knižnici.

Reading books is fun . . . but what about making them? Armed with new colored pencils, Henrietta's ready to try. Peek over her shoulder as she draws the story of a brave young girl, a three-headed monster, and an impossibly wide world of adventure. Whether read aloud to a toddler or discovered by a young reader, Liniers's celebration of the creative process is sure to make everyone want to bring out their pencils.