Yours is the Night

Amanda Dykes

Private Matthew Petticrew arrives in France as part of the American Expeditionary Forces, an arrival which a war-weary France desperately hopes will help to end the turmoil. Having faced unthinkable t...hings on the front, he is captivated by the sound of a lullaby, sung by a voice so pure he knows he must have imagined it. But rumors sweep through the trenches like wildfire, dubbing the voice "The Angel of Argonne," a mysterious presence who leaves behind wreaths on unmarked graves and footprints in the war-pocked soil. Raised wild in the depths of the Forest of Argonne, France, Mireilles finds her world rocked when war comes crashing into the idyllic home she has always known, taking much from her. When Matthew discovers Mireilles, three things are clear: She is alone in the world, she cannot stay, and he and his two unlikely companions might be the only ones who can get her to safety.

  • Počet strán: 362 strán
  • ISBN13:9780764232688
  • Ďalšie vydania: Noc je tvoja

Sumár recenzie
Recenzia na knihu je pozitívna a podrobne popisuje hlavné prvky príbehu. Recenzentka vyzdvihuje dobre vykreslené postavy a napínavý dej. Podľa nej kniha prináša nový pohľad na známu tému a pútavým spôsobom rozpráva príbeh plný tajomstiev a akcie. Recenzentka odporúča túto knihu pre milovníkov napínavých a dobre napísaných románov.

Private Matthew Petticrew arrives in France as part of the American Expeditionary Forces, an arrival which a war-weary France desperately hopes will help to end the turmoil. Having faced unthinkable things on the front, he is captivated by the sound of a lullaby, sung by a voice so pure he knows he must have imagined it. But rumors sweep through the trenches like wildfire, dubbing the voice "The Angel of Argonne," a mysterious presence who leaves behind wreaths on unmarked graves and footprints in the war-pocked soil.

Raised wild in the depths of the Forest of Argonne, France, Mireilles finds her world rocked when war comes crashing into the idyllic home she has always known, taking much from her. When Matthew discovers Mireilles, three things are clear: She is alone in the world, she cannot stay, and he and his two unlikely companions might be the only ones who can get her to safety.