The Love of My Other Life

C.J. Connolly
Joffe Books • 2022

THE MUST-READ ROMANCE NOVEL OF SUMMER 2022.Imagine you woke up with the perfect life . . . But it wasn’t yours.Today is Josie’s 36th birthday.Josie’s a single British woman living in a tiny walk-up in...-up in Brooklyn. She misses her family, but her radio show is starting to go places. And sure, she could be a dress size smaller, but no one cares what you look like on the radio. The guy she’s had a crush on for months, is finally going to break up with his girlfriend. She hopes.She’s zipping through traffic on her way to meet friends for dinner at a SoHo restaurant. There’s a screech of brakes, Josie crashes her bike, and her world goes black.Then something extraordinary happens.She wakes up in hospital. The handsome stranger by her side, holding her hand and telling her he loves her, is Rob. Her husband of two years. They live in a chic Manhattan penthouse. She works in real estate. And she’s thirty pounds slimmer than when she got on her bike that morning.Josie has no idea how she got here. This new life is everything she ever wanted. But there’s one thing missing . . .And now she has to decide: should she go back to her old single life in Brooklyn or stay with the love of her nearly perfect new life?What would you do?This extraordinary and unforgettable love story is perfect for fans of Taylor Jenkins Reid, Audrey Niffenegger, Diana Gabaldon, Jojo Moyes, David Nicholls, Colleen Hoover, Laura Barnett, Rebecca Searle and Holly Miller.

Sumár recenzie
Recenzia na knihu popisuje príbeh postavy, ktorá má zdánlivý dokonalý život. Avšak, celý príbeh sa otočí v momente, keď zisťuje, že jej život nie je taký, aký si myslela. Recenzent zdôrazňuje nápaditý a prekvapivý zápletku, ktorá núti čitateľa rozpoznať skutočnú podobu postavy. Podľa recenzenta je kniha nápaditá a zaujímavá, ponúka úvahy o význame života a identite. Tento príbeh náladových zmien preruší stereotyp každodennosti a prinúti čitateľa zamyslieť sa nad vlastným životom.


Imagine you woke up with the perfect life . . . But it wasn’t yours.

Today is Josie’s 36th birthday.

Josie’s a single British woman living in a tiny walk-up in Brooklyn. She misses her family, but her radio show is starting to go places. And sure, she could be a dress size smaller, but no one cares what you look like on the radio. The guy she’s had a crush on for months, is finally going to break up with his girlfriend. She hopes.

She’s zipping through traffic on her way to meet friends for dinner at a SoHo restaurant. There’s a screech of brakes, Josie crashes her bike, and her world goes black.

Then something extraordinary happens.

She wakes up in hospital. The handsome stranger by her side, holding her hand and telling her he loves her, is Rob. Her husband of two years. They live in a chic Manhattan penthouse. She works in real estate. And she’s thirty pounds slimmer than when she got on her bike that morning.

Josie has no idea how she got here. This new life is everything she ever wanted. But there’s one thing missing . . .

And now she has to decide: should she go back to her old single life in Brooklyn or stay with the love of her nearly perfect new life?

What would you do?

This extraordinary and unforgettable love story is perfect for fans of Taylor Jenkins Reid, Audrey Niffenegger, Diana Gabaldon, Jojo Moyes, David Nicholls, Colleen Hoover, Laura Barnett, Rebecca Searle and Holly Miller.