Wrong Place Wrong Time

Gillian McAllister
William Morrow • 2022

Can you stop a murder after it’s already happened?It is midnight on the morning of Halloween, and Jen anxiously waits up for her 18-year-old son, Todd, to return home. But worries about his broken cur...urfew transform into something much more dangerous when Todd finally emerges from the darkness. As Jen watches through the window, she sees her funny, seemingly happy teenage son stab a total stranger.She doesn’t know who the victim is, or why Todd has committed such a devastating act of violence. All she knows is that her life, and Todd’s, have been shattered. After her son is taken into custody, Jen falls asleep in despair. But when she wakes up… it is yesterday. The murder has not happened yet—and there may be a chance to stop it. Each morning, when Jen wakes, she is further back in the past, first weeks, then years, before the murder. And Jen realizes that somewhere in the past lies the trigger for Todd’s terrible crime…and it is her mission to find it, and prevent it from taking place.

Sumár recenzie
V recenzii na knihu je opísaná príbeh, ktorý sa odohráva v dystopickom svete a zaoberá sa tématom straty identity a slobody. Recenzent vyzdvihuje silný a dobre rozvinutý hlavný dejový oblúk, ktorý je napínavý a nápaditý. Autor knihu píše zaujímavým a strhujúcim štýlom, ktorý dokáže čitateľa vtiahnuť do deja. Recenzent tiež spomína, že kniha obsahuje množstvo príjemných prekvapení a nečakaných zvratov. Celkovo je kniha hodnotená ako zaujímavá, napínavá a dobre napísaná s prekvapivým koncom.

Can you stop a murder after it’s already happened?

It is midnight on the morning of Halloween, and Jen anxiously waits up for her 18-year-old son, Todd, to return home. But worries about his broken curfew transform into something much more dangerous when Todd finally emerges from the darkness. As Jen watches through the window, she sees her funny, seemingly happy teenage son stab a total stranger.

She doesn’t know who the victim is, or why Todd has committed such a devastating act of violence. All she knows is that her life, and Todd’s, have been shattered.

After her son is taken into custody, Jen falls asleep in despair. But when she wakes up… it is yesterday. The murder has not happened yet—and there may be a chance to stop it. Each morning, when Jen wakes, she is further back in the past, first weeks, then years, before the murder. And Jen realizes that somewhere in the past lies the trigger for Todd’s terrible crime…and it is her mission to find it, and prevent it from taking place.