The Secret Keeper of Jaipur (The Henna Artist, #2)

Alka Joshi
Mira Books • 2021

It’s the spring of 1969, and Lakshmi, now married to Dr. Jay Kumar, directs the Healing Garden in Shimla. Malik has finished his private school education. At twenty, he has just met a young woman Nimmi when he leaves to apprentice at the Facilities Office of the Jaipur Royal Palace. Their latest project: a state-of-the-art cinema.Malik soon finds that not much has changed as he navigates the Pink City of his childhood. Power and money still move seamlessly among the wealthy class, and favors flow from Jaipur’s Royal Palace, but only if certain secrets remain buried. When the cinema’s balcony tragically collapses on opening night, blame is placed where it is convenient. But Malik suspects something far darker and sets out to uncover the truth. As a former street child, he always knew to keep his own counsel; it’s a lesson that will serve him as he untangles a web of lies.In New York Times bestselling author Alka Joshi’s intriguing new novel, henna artist Lakshmi arranges for her protégé, Malik, to intern at the Jaipur Palace in this tale rich in character, atmosphere, and lavish storytelling.

Voľné pokračovanie knihy Umelkyňa s henou naďalej sleduje osud odvážnej Lakšmí, no ústrednou postavou príbehu je jej pomocník Malik. Je leto 1969 a Lakšmí, teraz vydatá za Dr. Jaya Kumara riadi Liečebnú záhradu v Šimle. Malik ukončil súkromné školské vzdelanie a ako dospelý muž spoznáva svet odvrátenej strany Indie. Zamilovaný do negramotnej vdovy, plný ideálov a snov odchádza pracovať do[...]

Americká spisovateľka s indickými koreňmi Alka Joshi vlani dobyla aj slovenský knižný svet svojím debutom založeným jednak na skutočných historických udalostiach, jednak na spomienkach vlastných príbuzných. Umelkyňa s henou patrí medzi najkrajšie romány, aké som čítal, a nemyslím tým len obálku, ktorá je úchvatná aj v prípade druhého dielu série. Autorka na vás prenesie atmosféru Indie v[...]

It’s the spring of 1969, and Lakshmi, now married to Dr. Jay Kumar, directs the Healing Garden in Shimla. Malik has finished his private school education. At twenty, he has just met a young woman named Nimmi when he leaves to apprentice at the Facilities Office of the Jaipur Royal Palace. Their latest project: a state-of-the-art cinema.

Malik soon finds that not much has changed as he navigates the Pink City of his childhood. Power and money still move seamlessly among the wealthy class, and favors flow from Jaipur’s Royal Palace, but only if certain secrets remain buried. When the cinema’s balcony tragically collapses on opening night, blame is placed where it is convenient. But Malik suspects something far darker and sets out to uncover the truth. As a former street child, he always knew to keep his own counsel; it’s a lesson that will serve him as he untangles a web of lies.

In New York Times bestselling author Alka Joshi’s intriguing new novel, henna artist Lakshmi arranges for her protégé, Malik, to intern at the Jaipur Palace in this tale rich in character, atmosphere, and lavish storytelling.