
Anna Walker
Clarion Books • 2018

When Mae’s family moves to a new home, she wishes she could bring her garden with her. She’ll miss the apple trees, the daffodils, and chasing butterflies in the wavy grass. But there’s no room for a ...for a garden in the city. Or is there?

  • Počet strán: 40 strán
  • ISBN13:9780544876835
  • Ďalšie vydania: Májina zahrada

Nedávno vo vydavateľstve Fortuna Libri vyšla detská kniha s názvom Majina záhrada, ktorú napísala a ilustrovala Anna Walkerová. Mňa zaujala najmä krásnaContinue Reading

When Mae’s family moves to a new home, she wishes she could bring her garden with her. She’ll miss the apple trees, the daffodils, and chasing butterflies in the wavy grass. But there’s no room for a garden in the city. Or is there?