Playing Nice

J.P. Delaney
Ballantine Books • 2020

What if you found out that your family isn't yours at all? How far would you go to protect them? A gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of The Girl Before. . . .Pete Riley a...nswers the door one morning and lets in a parent's worst nightmare. On his doorstep is Miles Lambert, a stranger who breaks the devastating news that Pete's son, Theo, isn't actually his son--he is the Lamberts', switched at birth by an understaffed hospital while their real son was sent home with Miles and his wife, Lucy. For Pete, his partner Maddie, and the little boy they've been raising for the past two years, life will never be the same again.The two families, reeling from the shock, take comfort in shared good intentions, eagerly entwining their very different lives in the hope of becoming one unconventional modern family. But a plan to sue the hospital triggers an official investigation that unearths some disturbing questions about the night their children were switched. How much can they trust the other parents--or even each other? What secrets are hidden behind the Lamberts' glossy front door? Stretched to the breaking point, Pete and Maddie discover they will each stop at nothing to keep their family safe.They are done playing nice.

  • Počet strán: 402 strán
  • ISBN13:9781984821348
  • Ďalšie vydania: Cudzie dieťa

Autor: J. P. DelaneyOriginálny názov: Playing niceVydavateľstvo: Ikar 2022Séria: -Diel:  -Počet strán: 408Žáner:  historická romancaMoje hodnotenie knihy: 3*/5*Moje hodnotenie obálky: 5*/5*Anotácia:Krv nie je voda... Naozaj je to také jednoduché?Keď Pete Riley jedného rána otvorí dvere, netuší, že naňho čaká rodičovská nočná mora.Na prahu stojí neznámy muž, ktorý tvrdí, že Petov dvojročný syn[...]

Britský spisovateľ J. P. Delaney má na konte štyri tituly, hoci ich napísal omnoho viac. Pre psychologické trilery spojené s bežnými ľuďmi v neobvyklých situáciách si totiž zvolil nový pseudonym, a aj keď nechrlí jednu knihu za druhou, ako by množstvo jeho fanúšikov dúfalo, vždy ide o čitateľskú lahôdku, na ktorú sa oplatí čakať. Skúsené pero - či klávesnica? - dokáže vyčarovať skutočne[...]

Predstavte si, že by vám jedného dňa zaklopal na dvere neznámy muž. Oznámil by vám, že váš dvojročný syn vlastne nie je váš. Mysleli ste si, že podobné scenáre sú možné iba v tej najhoršej nočnej more? Pete Riley, ktorý pracuje ako novinár na voľnej nohe, je spolu s partnerkou Maddie v šoku. Spolu s druhý párom, Milesom a Lucy, sa však snažia nájsť cestu, ako prepojiť svoje rozdielne životy a[...]

  „Do psychopatov sa dá veľmi ľahko zamilovať. Po prvé, vedia ľudí očariť. Zvyčajne sa do dvorenia vrhnú s plnou zanietenosťou – obsypávajú svoj objekt záujmu darmi, používajú vety z filmov, hovoria vám, že ste tá najkrajšia, spomínajú úžasné veci,... The post Psychologický triler Cudzie dieťa od JP Delaney: Čo ak sa dozviete, že vaše dieťa nie je v skutočnosti vaše? appeared first on[...]

What if you found out that your family isn't yours at all? How far would you go to protect them? A gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of The Girl Before. . . .

Pete Riley answers the door one morning and lets in a parent's worst nightmare. On his doorstep is Miles Lambert, a stranger who breaks the devastating news that Pete's son, Theo, isn't actually his son--he is the Lamberts', switched at birth by an understaffed hospital while their real son was sent home with Miles and his wife, Lucy. For Pete, his partner Maddie, and the little boy they've been raising for the past two years, life will never be the same again.

The two families, reeling from the shock, take comfort in shared good intentions, eagerly entwining their very different lives in the hope of becoming one unconventional modern family. But a plan to sue the hospital triggers an official investigation that unearths some disturbing questions about the night their children were switched. How much can they trust the other parents--or even each other? What secrets are hidden behind the Lamberts' glossy front door? Stretched to the breaking point, Pete and Maddie discover they will each stop at nothing to keep their family safe.

They are done playing nice.