Soldier: Respect Is Earned

Jay Morton
HarperCollins • 2020

With four years in the Parachute Regiment, ten years in the SAS and two Everest summits to his name, no one is better equipped than Jay Morton to reveal what it takes to become the best of the best.So...ldier is Jay Morton’s masterclass in mindset, strategy and excellence. Drawing on his extraordinary personal experience, it provides in-depth, comprehensive lessons and practical takeaways.Whether serving as an elite soldier, training as a high-level shooter or becoming an expert in HALO (high-altitude, low-opening) and HAHO (high-altitude, high-opening) parachuting, Jay has always strived to be at the very top of the game.More than most, Jay knows that military service develops skillsets you’d never dreamed of having, and which can be applied to our day-to-day lives. We are prone to underestimating ourselves, but physical and mental endurance and resilience – as well as realising our own full potential – are well within our reach.

  • Počet strán: 304 strán
  • ISBN13:9780008418151
  • Ďalšie vydania: Vojak

Kniha Vojak sa tvári ako životopis člena britskej špeciálnej jednotky SAS, a preto spočiatku nevzbudila u mňa veľký záujem. Radšej dávam v tomto smere prednosť beletrii... No keď sa mi dostala do rúk, hneď ma vyviedla z omylu. Jay Morton síce vychádza zo svojich štrnásťročných vojenských skúseností nadobudnutých na viacerých misiách i mimo nich, ale tie sú iba základným kameňom pre budovanie[...]

With four years in the Parachute Regiment, ten years in the SAS and two Everest summits to his name, no one is better equipped than Jay Morton to reveal what it takes to become the best of the best.

Soldier is Jay Morton’s masterclass in mindset, strategy and excellence. Drawing on his extraordinary personal experience, it provides in-depth, comprehensive lessons and practical takeaways.

Whether serving as an elite soldier, training as a high-level shooter or becoming an expert in HALO (high-altitude, low-opening) and HAHO (high-altitude, high-opening) parachuting, Jay has always strived to be at the very top of the game.

More than most, Jay knows that military service develops skillsets you’d never dreamed of having, and which can be applied to our day-to-day lives. We are prone to underestimating ourselves, but physical and mental endurance and resilience – as well as realising our own full potential – are well within our reach.