
Tara Westover
Random House • 2018

A newer edition of ISBN 9780399590504 can be found here.Tara Westover was 17 the first time she set foot in a classroom. Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, she prepared for the end of the... world by stockpiling home-canned peaches and sleeping with her "head-for-the-hills bag". In the summer she stewed herbs for her mother, a midwife and healer, and in the winter she salvaged in her father's junkyard.Her father forbade hospitals, so Tara never saw a doctor or nurse. Gashes and concussions, even burns from explosions, were all treated at home with herbalism. The family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education and no one to intervene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent.Then, lacking any formal education, Tara began to educate herself. She taught herself enough mathematics and grammar to be admitted to Brigham Young University, where she studied history, learning for the first time about important world events like the Holocaust and the civil rights movement. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far, if there was still a way home.Educated is an account of the struggle for self-invention. It is a tale of fierce family loyalty and of the grief that comes with severing the closest of ties. With the acute insight that distinguishes all great writers, Westover has crafted a universal coming-of-age story that gets to the heart of what an education is and what it offers: the perspective to see one's life through new eyes and the will to change it.

  • Počet strán: 334 strán
  • Ďalšie vydania: Vzdelaná

Před pár lety byl knihy Educated plný knižní Instagram. Zaujala mě jak obálkou, tak námětem ale nakonec jsem se nikdy ke knize nedostal – vždycky jsem dal přednost něčemu jinému.Až nedávno jsem na ni narazil a řekl jsem si, zda ji konečně nedat šanci a najednou po přečtení několika stránek jsem ji přečetl během dvou... Číst celé

Vzdelanej som sa dlho vyhýbala a po jej prečítaní to ľutujem. Úprimne musím povedať, že… Read the postTara Westover: Vzdelaná Príspevok Tara Westover: Vzdelaná zobrazený najskôr .

Tara vyrástla v rodine zarytých mormónov žijúcej v horách bez školskej dochádzky či návštev doktora. Dotiahla to až… The post Tara Westover: Vzdelaná appeared first on Blog o knihách.

Zrod môjho ja sa dá nazvať všelijako. Premena. Metamorfóza. Faloš. Zrada. Ja ho nazývam vzdelania.  Zrejme väčšina z vás už počula o knihe Vzdelaná, ktorú napísala Tara Westoverová. Okrem toho, že bola knihou mesiaca september v Čiateľskom klube Martinusu,  pohltila sociálne siete hneď po vydaní. Väčšina ju označuje za jednu z najlepších kníh roka. Na … Čítať ďalej Vzdelaná (Tara Westoverová)

Pamäti či všeobecne tituly postavené na osobných skúsenostiach autorov veľmi nevyhľadávam. K Vzdelanej som sa však dostal na odporúčanie znalkyne dobrých kníh (pozdravujem, Lucka), a tak som jej dal šancu. Musím povedať, že mi napokon celkom zaimponovala. So vzdelávaním mám dočinenia ako učiteľ prakticky denne, a nepochybne ho mnohí berú ako samozrejmosť. Preto je priam neuveriteľné, že sa[...]

A newer edition of ISBN 9780399590504 can be found here.

Tara Westover was 17 the first time she set foot in a classroom. Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, she prepared for the end of the world by stockpiling home-canned peaches and sleeping with her "head-for-the-hills bag". In the summer she stewed herbs for her mother, a midwife and healer, and in the winter she salvaged in her father's junkyard.

Her father forbade hospitals, so Tara never saw a doctor or nurse. Gashes and concussions, even burns from explosions, were all treated at home with herbalism. The family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education and no one to intervene when one of Tara's older brothers became violent.

Then, lacking any formal education, Tara began to educate herself. She taught herself enough mathematics and grammar to be admitted to Brigham Young University, where she studied history, learning for the first time about important world events like the Holocaust and the civil rights movement. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge. Only then would she wonder if she'd traveled too far, if there was still a way home.

Educated is an account of the struggle for self-invention. It is a tale of fierce family loyalty and of the grief that comes with severing the closest of ties. With the acute insight that distinguishes all great writers, Westover has crafted a universal coming-of-age story that gets to the heart of what an education is and what it offers: the perspective to see one's life through new eyes and the will to change it.