Four Dead Queens

Astrid Scholte

Seventeen-year-old Keralie Corrington may seem harmless, but in fact, she's one of Quadara's most skilled thieves and a liar. Varin, on the other hand, is an honest, upstanding citizen of Quadara's enlightened region, Eonia. Varin runs afoul of Keralie when she steals a package from him, putting his life in danger. When Varin attempts to retrieve the package, he and Keralie find themselves entangled in a conspiracy that leaves all four of Quadara's queens dead.With no other choices and on the run from Keralie's former employer, the two decide to join forces, endeavoring to discover who has killed the queens and save their own lives in the process. When their reluctant partnership blooms into a tenuous romance, they must overcome their own dark secrets in hopes of a future together that seemed impossible just days before. But first they have to stay alive and untangle the secrets behind the nation's four dead queens.An enthralling fast-paced murder mystery where competing agendas collide with deadly consequences, Four Dead Queens heralds the arrival of an exciting new YA talent.

Američanka Astrid Scholte sa pohybovala vo filmovom priemysle a pravdepodobne aj vďaka tomu dokázala vytvoriť príbeh, ktorý nepustíte z rúk. Debut, akým zaútočila na priečky bestsellerov, jej môžu závidieť mnohí kolegovia a kolegyne zo žánru young adult. Už len preto, že ho okorenila výrazným detektívnym námetom a Štyri mŕtve kráľovné sa tak vymykajú bežným, zaužívaným štandardom. Až ma[...]

Žáner: fantasy detektívkaVydavateľstvo: Slovart Počet strán: 413 Väzba: paperback Originálny názov: Four Dead Queens Anotácia: Sedemnásťročná Keralie Corringtonová možno vyzerá neškodne, ale v skutočnosti je jednou z najšikovnejších zlodejok a klamárok v Kvadare. Mladý posol Varin je, naopak, čestný, bezúhonný občan Eónie, najosvietenejšieho regiónu krajiny. Ich cesty sa prepletú, keď[...]

Autor: Astrid ScholteOriginálny názov: Four Dead Queens Počet strán: 416Rok vydania: 2020Vydavateľstvo: Slovart Sedemnásťročná Keralie Corringtonová možno vyzerá neškodne, ale v skutočnosti je jednou z najšikovnejších zlodejok a klamárok v Quadare. Mladý posol Varin je, naopak, čestný, bezúhonný občan Eónie, najosvietenejšieho regiónu krajiny. Ich cesty sa prepletú, keď Keralie okradne[...]

Seventeen-year-old Keralie Corrington may seem harmless, but in fact, she's one of Quadara's most skilled thieves and a liar. Varin, on the other hand, is an honest, upstanding citizen of Quadara's most enlightened region, Eonia. Varin runs afoul of Keralie when she steals a package from him, putting his life in danger. When Varin attempts to retrieve the package, he and Keralie find themselves entangled in a conspiracy that leaves all four of Quadara's queens dead.

With no other choices and on the run from Keralie's former employer, the two decide to join forces, endeavoring to discover who has killed the queens and save their own lives in the process. When their reluctant partnership blooms into a tenuous romance, they must overcome their own dark secrets in hopes of a future together that seemed impossible just days before. But first they have to stay alive and untangle the secrets behind the nation's four dead queens.

An enthralling fast-paced murder mystery where competing agendas collide with deadly consequences, Four Dead Queens heralds the arrival of an exciting new YA talent.