Jacaranda Vines

Tamara McKinley

After years of dominating Australia's wine industry, Jock Witney dies, leaving his family's business in a shambles. Despite offer worth hundreds of millions for the company, the family is split and un...able to agree on the future of Jacaranda Vines. Exhausted after years of Jock's violent temper and exacting ways, it would be a relief to sell Jacaranda to the highest bidder, but Cordelia, Jock's long estranged widow, insists on keeping the winery together.In need of an ally, Cordelia takes her granddaughter on a trip through the harsh Australian outback, sharing with Sophie tales of hardship and secrets from the past. She begins her story with Rose, a young girl running from her native England in hopes of finding a new life in the wild unknown of Australia.From Sussex Downs in the 1830s to modern day Australia, Tamara McKinley's breathtaking new novel traces the lives of several generations of one unforgettable family.

  • Počet strán: 416 strán
  • ISBN13:9780312284343
  • Originálny názov: Jacaranda Vines

Tajomný šum viníc je druhou knihou, ktorú Tamara McKinley napísala (v origináli vyšla v roku 2001). A z textu je to poznať, hoci si to všimne iba ten čitateľ, ktorý už je s jej tvorbou zoznámený. Pravdupovediac, viac sa mi páči práve autorkina raná tvorba, kedy boli jej rodinné ságy dejovo bohatšie a postavy o niečo výraznejšie. Tým nechcem povedať, že novšie romány sú horšie, len im chýba[...]

Vychutnajte si román Tajomný šum viníc. Napínavý, emóciami nabitý príbeh zo slnkom vyprahnutého austrálskeho vnútrozemia. Vstúpte do sveta majiteľov multimiliónovej vinárskej korporácie, v ktorom vás čakajú zložité rodinné vzťahy, intrigy, závisť a nevraživosť, ale i zakázaná láska a dávna kliatba…... The post Nový román od Tamary McKinley: Preneste sa do Austrálie a zažite tajomný šum viníc[...]

After years of dominating Australia's wine industry, Jock Witney dies, leaving his family's business in a shambles. Despite offer worth hundreds of millions for the company, the family is split and unable to agree on the future of Jacaranda Vines. Exhausted after years of Jock's violent temper and exacting ways, it would be a relief to sell Jacaranda to the highest bidder, but Cordelia, Jock's long estranged widow, insists on keeping the winery together.

In need of an ally, Cordelia takes her granddaughter on a trip through the harsh Australian outback, sharing with Sophie tales of hardship and secrets from the past. She begins her story with Rose, a young girl running from her native England in hopes of finding a new life in the wild unknown of Australia.

From Sussex Downs in the 1830s to modern day Australia, Tamara McKinley's breathtaking new novel traces the lives of several generations of one unforgettable family.