Ink, Iron, and Glass (Ink, Iron, and Glass, #1)

Gwendolyn Clare

Can she write a world gone wrong?A certain pen, a certain book, and a certain person can craft entirely new worlds through a branch of science called scriptology. Elsa comes from one such world that written into creation, where her mother―a noted scriptologist―constantly alters and expands their reality.But when her home is attacked and her mother kidnapped, Elsa is forced to cross into the real world and use her own scriptology gifts to find her. In an alternative Victorian Italy, Elsa finds a secret society of young scientists with a gift for mechanics, alchemy, or scriptology―and meets Leo, a gorgeous mechanist with a smart mouth and tragic past. She recruits the help of these fellow geniuses just as an assassin arrives on their doorstep.In this thrilling debut, worlds collide as Elsa unveils a deep political conspiracy seeking to unlock the most dangerous weapon ever created―and only she can stop it.

Žáner: fantasy, YAVydavateľstvo: CooBooSéria: Ink, Iron, and GlassDiel: #1Počet strán: 304Väzba: hardbackOriginál názov: Ink, Iron, and GlassAnotácia:Když se propojí konkrétní člověk, konkrétní pero a konkrétní kniha, dokážou vytvářet zcela nové světy. Elsa z jednoho takového pochází. Její matka ho neustále mění a po jejím únosu Elsa musí vstoupit do reality. V alternativní viktoriánské[...]

Znáte ten pocit, když vám unesou matku a vy se musíte vypravit do takřka neznámého světa, abyste ji zachránili a s ní dost možná i celou svou realitu? Já sice ne, ale Elsa, hrdinka této knihy, by vám o něm mohla vyprávět. Než došlo k únosu její matky, spokojeně si žila na Veldaně, fiktivním světě, kde se […] The post Gwendolyn Clareová – Inkoust, kov a sklo (recenze) appeared first on[...]

Can she write a world gone wrong?

A certain pen, a certain book, and a certain person can craft entirely new worlds through a branch of science called scriptology. Elsa comes from one such world that was written into creation, where her mother―a noted scriptologist―constantly alters and expands their reality.

But when her home is attacked and her mother kidnapped, Elsa is forced to cross into the real world and use her own scriptology gifts to find her. In an alternative Victorian Italy, Elsa finds a secret society of young scientists with a gift for mechanics, alchemy, or scriptology―and meets Leo, a gorgeous mechanist with a smart mouth and tragic past. She recruits the help of these fellow geniuses just as an assassin arrives on their doorstep.

In this thrilling debut, worlds collide as Elsa unveils a deep political conspiracy seeking to unlock the most dangerous weapon ever created―and only she can stop it.