Secret Passages in a Hillside Town

Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen (Lola Rogers)
Pushkin Press • 2018

An atmospheric love story with a twist by the author of The Rabbit Back Literature SocietyIn a small hillside town, Olli Suominen - publisher and discontented husband - is constantly losing umbrellas.... He has also joined a film club. And Greta, an old flame, has added him on Facebook.As his life becomes more and more entangled with Greta's and his wife and son are dragged into the aftermath of this teenage romance, Olli is forced to make a choice. But does he really want to know what the secret passages are? Can he be sure that Greta is who she seems to be? And what actually happened on that summer's day long ago?Absorbing, atmospheric and often very funny, Secret Passages in a Hillside Town is an intoxicating novel about the grip of the past and the romance of what has been lost.

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Určitě jste si všimli, že můj blog zase trochu skomírá. Je to asi tím, že s Emou je čím dál větší sranda a mnohem víc toho podnikáme. Umí si hrát i sama, ale často si se mnou chce stavět kostky nebo prohlížet knížky. Koneckonců o Eminých knihách bych mohla sepsat nějaký další článek. Jestli bude čas. Kromě zábavy s Emou mám totiž tu a tam trochu práce. Když se zadaří, čtu korektury. Začala[...]

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Konečně je tu další článek! Ani nevíte, jak velkou mám radost, že můžu něco nového napsat na blog! Věnovala jsem se teď dlouhou dobu psaní bakalářské práce a vážně to nebyla sranda, takže jsem neměla absolutně žádný čas. Ale teď jsem zpět a určitě...

An atmospheric love story with a twist by the author of The Rabbit Back Literature Society

In a small hillside town, Olli Suominen - publisher and discontented husband - is constantly losing umbrellas. He has also joined a film club. And Greta, an old flame, has added him on Facebook.

As his life becomes more and more entangled with Greta's and his wife and son are dragged into the aftermath of this teenage romance, Olli is forced to make a choice. But does he really want to know what the secret passages are? Can he be sure that Greta is who she seems to be? And what actually happened on that summer's day long ago?

Absorbing, atmospheric and often very funny, Secret Passages in a Hillside Town is an intoxicating novel about the grip of the past and the romance of what has been lost.