Everybody Counts: A counting story from 0 to 7.5 billion

Kristin Roskifte

This fun book teaches you to count from 0 to 7.5 billion, but also to do so much more. Follow the characters’ stories through the book and see how their lives collide with those of others. There are a...e a lot of secrets to be discovered for the sharp-eyed! You’ll see that everyone is different, everyone has their own life, and that—most importantly—everybody counts. At the end, a spotting section allows you to go back and have even more fun. This critically acclaimed book has been shortlisted for the prestigious Brage Prize in Norway, its country of origin.

Nedajte sa pomýliť názvom! Všetci spolu rátame je v prvom rade výborná interaktívna detektívka, v ktorej dieťa samo pátra v ilustrácách po indíciách. Okrem toho sa dá čítať ešte toľkými inými spôsobmi (aj smermi :) ) – ako search-and-findovka; pomôcka pre deti, ktoré sa učia počítať; logopedická príručka; príbeh, ktorý si musíte dotvoriť sami; encyklopédia emócií; osveta vyzývajúca k[...]

This fun book teaches you to count from 0 to 7.5 billion, but also to do so much more. Follow the characters’ stories through the book and see how their lives collide with those of others. There are a lot of secrets to be discovered for the sharp-eyed! You’ll see that everyone is different, everyone has their own life, and that—most importantly—everybody counts. At the end, a spotting section allows you to go back and have even more fun. This critically acclaimed book has been shortlisted for the prestigious Brage Prize in Norway, its country of origin.