New Contract (Perimeter Defense #3)

Michael Atamanov
Magic Dome Books • 2016

The enemy’s at the gate, the situation getting worse by the second... and Ruslan’s employer hasn’t done a good job (to put it mildly) of securing his successes. Now the star system Unatari is under th...der threat from the Aliens. It’s high time Ruslan came back in order to rescue everything he holds dear from imminent destruction and save Perimeter Defense - the game that has become his life.

Anotace:Ruslan se vrátil do reálného světa, ale nenachází zde uspokojení. Pak ho ale opět kontaktuje bývalý zaměstnavatel a nabídne mu návrat do hry.Všem Ruslanovým blízkým z Obránce perimetru hrozí smrtelné nebezpečí. Ruslan musí v těle korunního prince George odvrátit bezprostřední hrozbu, protože jeho systém Unatari obklíčili cizáci.Navíc je nucen se proplétat klikatými cestami vesmírné[...]

The enemy’s at the gate, the situation getting worse by the second... and Ruslan’s employer hasn’t done a good job (to put it mildly) of securing his successes. Now the star system Unatari is under threat from the Aliens. It’s high time Ruslan came back in order to rescue everything he holds dear from imminent destruction and save Perimeter Defense - the game that has become his life.