
Jenny Broom a Katie Scott

Welcome to the Museum is a series of books set on the "walls" of the printed page, showcasing the world's finest collections of objects from natural history to art. Open 365 days a year and unrestrict...ed by the constraints of physical space, each title in this series is organized into galleries that display more than 200 full-color specimens accompanied by lively, informative text. Offering hours of learning, this first title within the series "Animalium" presents the animal kingdom in glorious detail with illustrations from Katie Scott, an unparalleled new talent.

Animálium pristálo v našej domácej knižnici hneď trikrát. Najskôr anglicky (kto mohol tušiť, že českému prekladu to bude trvať len dva roky?). Potom česky (predsa len, deti chodia do českých škôl). A teraz konečne aj slovensky! Knihy zo série Vitajte v múzeu sú fascinujúce. Kombinujú […]

Welcome to the Museum is a series of books set on the "walls" of the printed page, showcasing the world's finest collections of objects from natural history to art. Open 365 days a year and unrestricted by the constraints of physical space, each title in this series is organized into galleries that display more than 200 full-color specimens accompanied by lively, informative text. Offering hours of learning, this first title within the series "Animalium" presents the animal kingdom in glorious detail with illustrations from Katie Scott, an unparalleled new talent.