Narcissus and Goldmund

Hermann Hesse (Ursule Molinaro)

Narcissus and Goldmund tells the story of two medieval men whose characters are diametrically opposite: Narcissus, an ascetic monk firm in his religious commitment, and Goldmund, a romantic youth hung...ry for knowledge and worldly experience. First published in 1930, Hesse's novel remains a moving and pointed exploration of the conflict between the life of the spirit and the life of the flesh. It is a theme that transcends all time.

1922 Máloktorá kniha dokáže čitateľa zasiahnuť s presnosťou otráveného šípu práve tak ako sa to Hermannovi Hessemu svojimi dielami takmer vždy podarí. Presne ako po dočítaní jedinečného Stepného vlka, presne tak vás bude Siddhártov jed sprevádzať ešte niekoľko dní a napĺňať pocitmi osviežujúceho intelektuálneho kúpeľa. Siddhártha je krátky príbeh s podtitulom indická báseň. Opäť sa[...]

Narcissus and Goldmund tells the story of two medieval men whose characters are diametrically opposite: Narcissus, an ascetic monk firm in his religious commitment, and Goldmund, a romantic youth hungry for knowledge and worldly experience. First published in 1930, Hesse's novel remains a moving and pointed exploration of the conflict between the life of the spirit and the life of the flesh. It is a theme that transcends all time.