The Antelope's Strategy: Living in Rwanda After the Genocide

Jean Hatzfeld (Linda Coverdale)

A powerful report on the aftereffects of the genocide in Rwanda--and on the near impossibility of reconciliation between survivors and killersIn two acclaimed previous works, the noted French Jean Hatzfeld offered a profound, harrowing witness to the unimaginable pain and horror in the mass killings of one group of people by another. Combining his own analysis of the events with interviews from both the Hutu killers who carried out acts of unimaginable depravity and the Tutsi survivors who somehow managed to escape, in one, based mostly on interviews with Tutsi survivors, he explored in unprecedented depth the witnesses' understanding of the psychology of evil and their courage in survival; in the second, he probed further, in talks with a group of Hutu killers about their acts of unimaginable depravity.Now, in "The Antelope's Strategy," he returns to Rwanda seven years later to talk with both the Hutus and Tutsis he'd come to know--some of the killers who had been released from prison or returned from Congolese exile, and the Tutsi escapees who must now tolerate them as neighbors. How are they managing with the process of reconciliation? Do you think in their hearts it is possible? The enormously varied and always surprising answers he gets suggest that the political ramifications of the international community's efforts to insist on resolution after these murderous episodes are incalculable. This is an astonishing exploration of the pain of memory, the nature of stoic hope, and the ineradicability of grief.

Belosi hovoria, že Afričania nedokážu naplánovať nič dlhodobé a trvalé, uchovať tajomstvo alebo organizovane pracovať. Ale v deväťdesiatom štvrtom to Hutuovia vysoko prekonali, bez akýchkoľvek problémov. Naplánovali dokonalé vraždenie. Tá genocída dokazuje, že Afričania vedia pracovať rovnako výkonne ako ktokoľvek iný, pokiaľ im ide o vyššie... (Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Knižné novinky Recenzie Genocída Jean Hatzfeld Rwandská genocída

My, ľudia sme všade na svete rovnakí, bez ohľadu na farbu pleti, národnosť či vierovyznanie. A to v dobrom aj zlom. Vieme byť srdeční a láskaví, ale aj závistliví a neprajní. A od závisti je len krôčik k nenávisti. Stačí správne mierená propaganda a my neváhame zodvihnúť zbraň trebárs proti susedovi. Príspevok Jean Hatzfeld: Stratégia antilop zobrazený najskôr Recenzie kníh.

A powerful report on the aftereffects of the genocide in Rwanda--and on the near impossibility of reconciliation between survivors and killers

In two acclaimed previous works, the noted French journalist Jean Hatzfeld offered a profound, harrowing witness to the unimaginable pain and horror in the mass killings of one group of people by another. Combining his own analysis of the events with interviews from both the Hutu killers who carried out acts of unimaginable depravity and the Tutsi survivors who somehow managed to escape, in one, based mostly on interviews with Tutsi survivors, he explored in unprecedented depth the witnesses' understanding of the psychology of evil and their courage in survival; in the second, he probed further, in talks with a group of Hutu killers about their acts of unimaginable depravity.

Now, in "The Antelope's Strategy," he returns to Rwanda seven years later to talk with both the Hutus and Tutsis he'd come to know--some of the killers who had been released from prison or returned from Congolese exile, and the Tutsi escapees who must now tolerate them as neighbors. How are they managing with the process of reconciliation? Do you think in their hearts it is possible? The enormously varied and always surprising answers he gets suggest that the political ramifications of the international community's efforts to insist on resolution after these murderous episodes are incalculable. This is an astonishing exploration of the pain of memory, the nature of stoic hope, and the ineradicability of grief.