Searching for Mine (Searching For #4.5)

Jennifer Probst

The Ultimate Anti-Hero Meets His Match… Connor Dunkle knows what he wants in a woman, and it’s the three B’s. Beauty. Body. Boobs. Other women need not apply. With his good looks and easygoing charm,...charm, he’s used to getting what he wants—and who. Until he comes face to face with the one woman who’s slowly making his life hell...and enjoying every moment... Ella Blake is a single mom and a professor at the local Verily college who’s climbed up the ranks the hard way. Her ten-year-old son is a constant challenge, and her students are driving her crazy—namely Connor Dunkle, who’s failing her class and trying to charm his way into a better grade. Fuming at his chauvinistic tendencies, Ella teaches him the ultimate lesson by giving him a special project to help his grade. When sparks fly, neither of them are ready to face their true feelings, but will love teach them the ultimate lesson of all?

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Ako nepodvádzať pri skúške z lásky Fanúšikovia série Hľadanie od Jennifer Probstovej si určite pamätajú Nata Dunkla, raketového vedca, ktorý svojimi hláškami privádzal do zúfalstva Kennedy Ashovú, jednu zo zakladateliek zoznamovacej agentúry Kinnections. Ak aj vás Nate bavil svojimi výrokmi, určite viete, ku komu po ne chodil – k svojmu bratovi Connorovi, ktorý to podľa Nata so ženami[...]

Populárně-naučná - knižní tipy Grada

Naučí ich láska, čo obaja potrebujú zo všetkého najviac? Connor Dunkle má odjakživa jasno v tom, čo mu žena môže dať – má byť pekná, prítulná a poruke. Ak tieto tri P nemá, potom on nemá záujem. Vďaka svojej mužnosti a neodolateľnému šarmu zakaždým dostane, čo chce aj koho chce. Až kým nestretne ženu, ktorá mu urobí zo života peklo... a jeho to nadchne. Ella Blaková sa stará o syna a[...]

The Ultimate Anti-Hero Meets His Match…

Connor Dunkle knows what he wants in a woman, and it’s the three B’s. Beauty. Body. Boobs. Other women need not apply. With his good looks and easygoing charm, he’s used to getting what he wants—and who. Until he comes face to face with the one woman who’s slowly making his life hell...and enjoying every moment...

Ella Blake is a single mom and a professor at the local Verily college who’s climbed up the ranks the hard way. Her ten-year-old son is a constant challenge, and her students are driving her crazy—namely Connor Dunkle, who’s failing her class and trying to charm his way into a better grade. Fuming at his chauvinistic tendencies, Ella teaches him the ultimate lesson by giving him a special project to help his grade. When sparks fly, neither of them are ready to face their true feelings, but will love teach them the ultimate lesson of all?