Calamity (Reckoners, #3)

Brandon Sanderson
Delacorte Press • 2016

When Calamity lit up the sky, the Epics were born. David’s fate has been tied to their villainy ever since that historic night. Steelheart killed his father. Firefight stole his heart. And now Regalia...ia has turned his closest ally into a dangerous enemy.David knew Prof’s secret, and kept it even when the Reckoners’ leader struggled to control the effects of his Epic powers. But facing Obliteration in Babilar was too much. Prof has now embraced his Epic destiny. He’s disappeared into those murky shadows of menace Epics are infamous for the world over, and everyone knows there’s no turning back. . . . But everyone is wrong. Redemption is possible for Epics—Megan proved it. They’re not lost. Not completely. And David is just about crazy enough to face down the most powerful High Epic of all to get his friend back. Or die trying.

Pred rokom a pol som túžobne očakával pokračovanie série Pomstitelia, pretože prvý diel Metalurg ma poriadna navnadil a Brandon Sanderson sa vyšvihol na popredné miesto v mojom osobnom rebríčku autorov. Pyro však čiastočne podľahla (ide totiž o ženskú postavu) trendu slabších druhých častí, ale celkovo vzaté išlo stále o vydarený príbeh. A čo záverečná Katastrofa? S potešením môžem povedať,[...]

Katastrofa je posledný diel dystopickej trilógie Pomstitelia z pera známeho spisovateľa Brandona Sandersona. Prvá časť Metalurg nás zaviedla do sveta v budúcnosti, The post Pomstitelia 3 : Katastrofa – Brandon Sanderson appeared first on Fantasy knihy.

Sci-fi trilógia Pomstitelia u nás začala vychádzať v roku 2014 a chvíľami som už nedúfala, že sa dočkáme záverečného dielu... Ale dočkali sme sa! A verte mi, že sa vám oplatí si prvé dve knihy pripomenúť a sériu dočítať. Alebo, ak ste ju nikdy nezačali čítať, dať jej šancu. Pokiaľ sa chcete vyhnúť spoilerom k jednotke a dvojke, preskočte nasledujúce dva odseky a pokračujte samotnou[...]


Napriek tomu, že v decembri bolo veľa voľných dní - niektorí mali voľno v škole, iní si ho urobili v práci, som prečítala iba 4 knihy. Presne som splnila svoju ročnú reading challenge, čo ma uspokojilo, ale zároveň viem, že to mohlo byť aj lepšie. Ku každej knihe napíšem krátke zhrnutie a hodnotenie. Keďže na dlhé recenzie nie je vždy čas, aspoň takto v krátkosti by som sa chcela vždy[...]

When Calamity lit up the sky, the Epics were born. David’s fate has been tied to their villainy ever since that historic night. Steelheart killed his father. Firefight stole his heart. And now Regalia has turned his closest ally into a dangerous enemy.

David knew Prof’s secret, and kept it even when the Reckoners’ leader struggled to control the effects of his Epic powers. But facing Obliteration in Babilar was too much. Prof has now embraced his Epic destiny. He’s disappeared into those murky shadows of menace Epics are infamous for the world over, and everyone knows there’s no turning back. . . .

But everyone is wrong. Redemption is possible for Epics—Megan proved it. They’re not lost. Not completely. And David is just about crazy enough to face down the most powerful High Epic of all to get his friend back. Or die trying.