Les Liaisons dangereuses

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (Douglas Parmée)

The complex moral ambiguities of seduction and revenge make Les Liaisons dangereuses (1782) one of the most scandalous and controversial novels in European literature. The subject of major film and st...age adaptations, the novel's prime movers, the Vicomte de Valmont and the Marquise de Merteuil, form an unholy alliance and turn seduction into a game - a game which they must win. This new translation gives Laclos a modern voice, and readers will be able a judge whether the novel is as "diabolical" and "infamous" as its critics have claimed, or whether it has much to tell us about the kind of world we ourselves live in. David Coward's introduction explodes myths about Laclos's own life and puts the book in its literary and cultural context.

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Tak jsem dumala nad tím, čím bych teď knihoblogerském vesmíru takhle zkraje podzimu mohla přispět a nenapadlo mě nic lepšího, než dát do kupy tipy na knihy, které se podle mě nejkrásněji čtou právě v tomhle období. Ještě máte trošku času, než se zbaví listí a ranní mlhy se ukážou v plné kráse, tak si koukejte pořídit co nejvíc příběhů z tohoto seznamu, protože dámy a pánové, tímto se s vámi[...]

The complex moral ambiguities of seduction and revenge make Les Liaisons dangereuses (1782) one of the most scandalous and controversial novels in European literature. The subject of major film and stage adaptations, the novel's prime movers, the Vicomte de Valmont and the Marquise de Merteuil, form an unholy alliance and turn seduction into a game - a game which they must win. This new translation gives Laclos a modern voice, and readers will be able a judge whether the novel is as "diabolical" and "infamous" as its critics have claimed, or whether it has much to tell us about the kind of world we ourselves live in. David Coward's introduction explodes myths about Laclos's own life and puts the book in its literary and cultural context.