American Gods (American Gods, #1)

Neil Gaiman
William Morrow • 2011

Days before his release from prison, Shadow's wife, Laura, dies in a mysterious car crash. Numbly, he makes his way back home. On the plane, he encounters the enigmatic Mr Wednesday, who claims to be ...a refugee from a distant war, a former god and the king of America. Together they embark on a profoundly strange journey across the heart of the USA, whilst all around them a storm of preternatural and epic proportions threatens to break.Scary, gripping and deeply unsettling, American Gods takes a long, hard look into the soul of America. You'll be surprised by what - and who - it finds there...


Američtí bohové sú vraj najlepšia kniha, akú Neil Gaiman napísal. Aspoň to tvrdí jeden tábor prívržencov. Druhý tábor cheeruje skôr knihe Nikdykde. Tú som čítala nedávno, preto som sa rozhodla, že si prečítam aj Amerických bohov, nech sa viem správne rozhodnúť. Plus ma k tomu postrčila aj informácia o tom, že sa z knihy natáča […]

Days before his release from prison, Shadow's wife, Laura, dies in a mysterious car crash. Numbly, he makes his way back home. On the plane, he encounters the enigmatic Mr Wednesday, who claims to be a refugee from a distant war, a former god and the king of America.

Together they embark on a profoundly strange journey across the heart of the USA, whilst all around them a storm of preternatural and epic proportions threatens to break.

Scary, gripping and deeply unsettling, American Gods takes a long, hard look into the soul of America. You'll be surprised by what - and who - it finds there...