The Light We Lost

Jill Santopolo

He was the first person to inspire her, to move her, to truly understand her. Was he meant to be the last?Lucy is faced with a life-altering choice. But before she can make her decision, she must star...t her story—their story—at the very beginning. Lucy and Gabe meet as seniors at Columbia University on a day that changes both of their lives forever. Together, they decide they want their lives to mean something, to matter. When they meet again a year later, it seems fated—perhaps they’ll find life’s meaning in each other. But then Gabe becomes a photojournalist assigned to the Middle East and Lucy pursues a career in New York. What follows is a thirteen-year journey of dreams, desires, jealousies, betrayals, and, ultimately, of love. Was it fate that brought them together? Is it choice that has kept them away? Their journey takes Lucy and Gabe continents apart, but never out of each other’s hearts.

  • Počet strán: 328 strán
  • ISBN13:9780735212756
  • Ďalšie vydania: Stratené svetlo

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V živote narazíte na tisícky ľudí. Niektorých stretnete náhodne na ulici, iných v práci, v škole, kaviarni alebo v bare. A zatiaľ čo väčšina z nich váš život ovplyvní len minimálne, niektorí ostanú vo vašej mysli a v srdci navždy. Lucy by nikdy nepredpokladala, že jej jedenásty september zmení život. Nie však pádom dvojičiek. V tento deň totiž stretne Gaba, s ktorým sa rozhodne prežiť[...]

He was the first person to inspire her, to move her, to truly understand her. Was he meant to be the last?

Lucy is faced with a life-altering choice. But before she can make her decision, she must start her story—their story—at the very beginning.

Lucy and Gabe meet as seniors at Columbia University on a day that changes both of their lives forever. Together, they decide they want their lives to mean something, to matter. When they meet again a year later, it seems fated—perhaps they’ll find life’s meaning in each other. But then Gabe becomes a photojournalist assigned to the Middle East and Lucy pursues a career in New York. What follows is a thirteen-year journey of dreams, desires, jealousies, betrayals, and, ultimately, of love. Was it fate that brought them together? Is it choice that has kept them away? Their journey takes Lucy and Gabe continents apart, but never out of each other’s hearts.