Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing

A.S. Neill (Erich Fromm)

Publisher Harold Hart approached Neill to write about his controversial school, & together compiled this book from Neill's other works, which became the number one nonfiction bestseller in the USA.... The effect of the book helped to promulgate Neill's educational theories, as well as reviving the flagging attendance at the long-running experimental school that he had founded in 1921 in Germany in conjunction with the Neue Schule, & then moved to England in 1923.

  • Počet strán: 392 strán
  • ISBN13:9780671790011
  • Ďalšie vydania: Summerhill

Art Design Italy

   Zdravím všetkých čitateľov !  Dnes vám predstavím knihu Summerhill, ktorej autorom je jeden z nadôležitejších priekopníkov pedagogiky vôbec- A. S. Neill. K samotnému príbehu Summerhillu som sa dostala najskôr prostredníctvom filmu. Myslím že som ho našla pri náhodnom surfovaní po YouTube (ako inak)... Film Summerhill rozpráva príbeh o škole ktorá je vysneným vzdelávacím zariadením[...]

Publisher Harold Hart approached Neill to write about his controversial school, & together compiled this book from Neill's other works, which became the number one nonfiction bestseller in the USA. The effect of the book helped to promulgate Neill's educational theories, as well as reviving the flagging attendance at the long-running experimental school that he had founded in 1921 in Germany in conjunction with the Neue Schule, & then moved to England in 1923.