The Daydreamer

Ian McEwan (Anthony Browne)

Peter Fortune is a daydreamer. He's a quiet ten year old who can't help himself from dropping out of reality and into the amazing world of his vivid imagination. His daydreams are fantastic and fascin...ating - only in the bizarre and disturbing world of dreams can he swap bodies with the family cat and his baby cousin, Kenneth, or wipe out his entire family with vanishing cream.

  • Počet strán: 192 strán
  • ISBN13:9780099470717
  • Ďalšie vydania: Rojko

Priznám sa, že v prípade mnohých detských kníh mám o konkrétnom zacielení isté pochybnosti, pretože moja generácia, ochudobnená o pretlak médií a informačných zdrojov, bola predsa len s vlastným vekom omnoho viac stotožnená. Napriek tomu ponúkam tri knižné tipy pre deti, pre kategóriu 9+.

Peter Fortune is a daydreamer. He's a quiet ten year old who can't help himself from dropping out of reality and into the amazing world of his vivid imagination. His daydreams are fantastic and fascinating - only in the bizarre and disturbing world of dreams can he swap bodies with the family cat and his baby cousin, Kenneth, or wipe out his entire family with vanishing cream.