Words from a Wanderer

Alexandra Elle
CreateSpace • 2013

Words From A Wanderer is a timeless and beautiful compilation of notes and poetry. This book was created with hopes of uplifting and encouraging readers in many ways. There is a journal in the back of... the book for readers and fellow writers to indulge in to keep the "conversation" going. Author, Alexandra Elle, wrote this book to shed light on the fact that indeed not all who wander are lost; some are simply still finding their way.

  • Počet strán: 58 strán
  • ISBN13:9781484886984

Milk and Honey Modern poetry random post Rupi Kaur špecy kecy

Moderná poézia je jeden z najrozšírenejších pojmov v literatúre, a z môjho pohľadu ide aj o najrozšírenejšie knižky vôbec. Avšak nato, že sú také rozšírené, známe a obľúbené, ich píšu autori a autorky, ktorých postihol dajaký problém a nemali sa s kým oň podeliť. Často sa v týchto moderných poéziách stretávame s tým, že boli pre daného autora/autorku jediným únikom a jediným spôsobom, ako[...]

Words From A Wanderer is a timeless and beautiful compilation of notes and poetry. This book was created with hopes of uplifting and encouraging readers in many ways. There is a journal in the back of the book for readers and fellow writers to indulge in to keep the "conversation" going. Author, Alexandra Elle, wrote this book to shed light on the fact that indeed not all who wander are lost; some are simply still finding their way.