In Search Of Us

Ava Dellaira

The author of the beloved Love Letters to the Dead returns with a parallel story of a mother and daughter each at age seventeen. Marilyn's tale recounts the summer she fell in love and set out on her ...own path. Angie's story is about her search for her unknown father.This sweeping multi-generational love story introduces readers to mother-and-daughter pair Marilyn and Angie. To seventeen-year-old Angie, who is mixed-race, Marilyn is her hardworking, devoted white single mother. But Marilyn was once young, too. When Marilyn was seventeen, she fell in love with Angie's father, James, who was African-American. But Angie's never met him, and Marilyn has always told her he died before she was born. When Angie discovers evidence of an uncle she's never met she starts to wonder: What if her dad is still alive, too? So she sets off on a journey to find him, hitching a ride to LA from her home in New Mexico with her ex-boyfriend, Sam. Along the way, she uncovers some hard truths about herself, her mother, and what truly happened to her father.

Žáner: YAVydavateľstvo: YoliPočet strán: 360Väzba: paperbackOriginálny názov: In Search of UsAnotácia:Sedemnásťročná Angie žije len s mamou, otec zomrel ešte pred jej narodením. Mama o ňom takmer nehovorí, len sa zakaždým pri spomienke na lásku z mladosti rozplače. Jej dcéra dokonca nevie, ako otec vyzeral.Raz nájde v bielizníku hnedú obálku a pod ňou fotografiu. Je na nej usmiaty chlapec v[...]

Cieľom azda každého spisovateľa je zaujať svojho čitateľa a prísť s niečím originálnym a pútavým. Fanúšikovia literatúry pre mladých môžu poznať Avu Dellaire najmä vďaka knihe Listy do neba, ktorá vyšla pred troma rokmi vo vydavateľstve Ikar. Dellaire v nej prišla s originálnym nápadom listov určených známym osobnostiam, ktorí už nežijú. Vo svojej druhej knihe autorka opäť prichádza s[...]

The author of the beloved Love Letters to the Dead returns with a parallel story of a mother and daughter each at age seventeen. Marilyn's tale recounts the summer she fell in love and set out on her own path. Angie's story is about her search for her unknown father.

This sweeping multi-generational love story introduces readers to mother-and-daughter pair Marilyn and Angie. To seventeen-year-old Angie, who is mixed-race, Marilyn is her hardworking, devoted white single mother. But Marilyn was once young, too. When Marilyn was seventeen, she fell in love with Angie's father, James, who was African-American. But Angie's never met him, and Marilyn has always told her he died before she was born. When Angie discovers evidence of an uncle she's never met she starts to wonder: What if her dad is still alive, too? So she sets off on a journey to find him, hitching a ride to LA from her home in New Mexico with her ex-boyfriend, Sam. Along the way, she uncovers some hard truths about herself, her mother, and what truly happened to her father.