Gert and the Sacred Stones

Marco Rocchi (Francesca Carità a Jaime Richards)
Dark Horse Books • 2020

This timely tale of an endless war between humans and nature follows young orphan Gert, whose land is shrouded in a thick fog hiding ferocious, fantastical animals that besiege her village.Gert sets o...ut to make sure no one else suffers what she has as a result of the war, but to do this she'll have to do what is forbidden of young women like her: become a warrior. Unfazed, Gert sneaks into the initiation test, beginning an adventure that will prove to be about much more than revenge. Gert's journey will teach her to accept hard truths, rethink the glorification of war and violence, and prove if she can be the unlikely hero to reimagine her people's future. From the acclaimed Italian comics team of Marco Rocchi and Francesca Caritá comes an insightful story of conflict, reconciliation, and the unique power of young people to change their world for the better.

  • Počet strán: 160 strán
  • ISBN13:9781506719634
  • Ďalšie vydania: Gerta

Sumár recenzie
Gerta - dívka v mlze je dobrodružný komiks, ktorý sa zameriava na hľadanie pravdy a boj proti deliacim sa národom. Gerta, hlavná hrdinka, sa po smrti rodičov pokúša vyrovnať s týmto svetom plným nebezpečenstva a hádok. Spolu so svojím "nepriateľským špehom" sa vydáva na cestu, aby napravila nepravosti a odhalila klamstvo, ktoré stojí za rozdelením. Napriek tomu, že komiks je plný akcie a má vynikajúcu kresbu, tempo príbehu je príliš rýchle a čitateľ niekedy stráca orientáciu v časovej postupnosti. Vhodný pre deti vo veku 8 - 14 rokov.

This timely tale of an endless war between humans and nature follows young orphan Gert, whose land is shrouded in a thick fog hiding ferocious, fantastical animals that besiege her village.

Gert sets out to make sure no one else suffers what she has as a result of the war, but to do this she'll have to do what is forbidden of young women like her: become a warrior. Unfazed, Gert sneaks into the initiation test, beginning an adventure that will prove to be about much more than revenge. Gert's journey will teach her to accept hard truths, rethink the glorification of war and violence, and prove if she can be the unlikely hero to reimagine her people's future.

From the acclaimed Italian comics team of Marco Rocchi and Francesca Caritá comes an insightful story of conflict, reconciliation, and the unique power of young people to change their world for the better.