The Wonderling

Mira Bartok
Candlewick Press • 2017

Mira Bartok tells the story of Arthur, a shy, fox-like foundling with only one ear and a desperate desire to belong, as he seeks his destiny.Have you been unexpectedly burdened by a recently orphaned ...or unclaimed creature? Worry not! We have just the solution for you!Welcome to the Home for Wayward and Misbegotten Creatures, an institution run by evil Miss Carbunkle, a cunning villainess who believes her terrified young charges exist only to serve and suffer. Part animal and part human, the groundlings toil in classroom and factory, forbidden to enjoy anything regular children have, most particularly singing and music. For the Wonderling, an innocent-hearted, one-eared, fox-like eleven-year-old with only a number rather than a proper name -- a 13 etched on a medallion around his neck -- it is the only home he has ever known. But unexpected courage leads him to acquire the loyalty of a young bird groundling named Trinket, who gives the Home's loneliest inhabitant two incredible gifts: a real name -- Arthur, like the good king in the old stories -- and a best friend. Using Trinket's ingenious invention, the pair escape over the wall and embark on an adventure that will take them out into the wider world and ultimately down the path of sweet Arthur's true destiny.

od 10 rokov recenzie temné kúty fantasy ikar slovensky stonozka

Malý zázrak láka svojim námetom a obálkou. Čitateľ čaká fantastický svet, do ktorého sa môže ponoriť a s radosťou v ňom plávať dejom. Bohužiaľ, toho sa v tomto prípade nedočká. Varovanie: ak si chcete prečítať profesionálnu recenziu, odporúčam text Veroniky Inglotovej z porátlu U mňa […]

Rozprávka podľa psychológov nie je len literárnym dielom. Pre malé deti je návodom na to, ako treba žiť. Aj keď sú rozprávky určené deťom, obsahujú množstvo ideí, ktoré nesú posolstvo aj pre dospelých. Neil Gaiman raz vyslovil krásnu myšlienku. „Rozprávky sú pravdivé – nie preto, že nám hovoria, že existujú draky, ale preto, že nám hovoria, že drakov môžeme poraziť.“ Jeho citát[...]

Táto detská kniha má silný odkaz na empatiu, silu priateľstva a prosociálne správanie. Okrem toho tiež predstavuje detskému čitateľovi psychológiu a príčinu zlého konania. Primeranou formou zoznamuje dieťa so skutočnosťou, že ľudia majú niekedy zvláštny zvyk otvoriť dvere pre nenávisť len preto, lebo nedostali to, čo chceli, alebo im niekto ublížil.

Mira Bartok tells the story of Arthur, a shy, fox-like foundling with only one ear and a desperate desire to belong, as he seeks his destiny.

Have you been unexpectedly burdened by a recently orphaned or unclaimed creature? Worry not! We have just the solution for you!

Welcome to the Home for Wayward and Misbegotten Creatures, an institution run by evil Miss Carbunkle, a cunning villainess who believes her terrified young charges exist only to serve and suffer. Part animal and part human, the groundlings toil in classroom and factory, forbidden to enjoy anything regular children have, most particularly singing and music. For the Wonderling, an innocent-hearted, one-eared, fox-like eleven-year-old with only a number rather than a proper name -- a 13 etched on a medallion around his neck -- it is the only home he has ever known.

But unexpected courage leads him to acquire the loyalty of a young bird groundling named Trinket, who gives the Home's loneliest inhabitant two incredible gifts: a real name -- Arthur, like the good king in the old stories -- and a best friend. Using Trinket's ingenious invention, the pair escape over the wall and embark on an adventure that will take them out into the wider world and ultimately down the path of sweet Arthur's true destiny.