Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the World's Greatest Outlaw

Mark Bowden
Penguin Group • 2002

A tour de force of investigative journalism-this is the story of the violent rise and fall of Pablo Escobar, the head of the Colombian Medellin cocaine cartel. Escobar's criminal empire held a nation ...of thirty million hostage in a reign of terror that would only end with his death. In an intense, up-close account, award-winning journalist Mark Bowden exposes details never before revealed about the U.S.-led covert sixteen-month manhunt. With unprecedented access to important players including Colombian president Cisar Gaviria and the incorruptible head of the special police unit that pursued Escobar, Colonel Hugo Martinez-as well as top-secret documents and transcripts of Escobar's intercepted phone conversations, Bowden has produced a gripping narrative that is a stark portrayal of rough justice in the real world."

  • Počet strán: 296 strán
  • ISBN13:9780142000953
  • Ďalšie vydania: Pablo Escobar

HODNOTENIE:   ***Príbeh najslávnejšieho narkobaróna, ktorý sa stal symbolom zločinu. Pablo začínal v malom mestečku v Medellíne (v Kolumbii) ako drobný zlodejíček a poskok organizovanej pouličnej skupiny. Šťastnou náhodou, charizmou, schopnosťou stavať sa do pozície ochrancov slabých a chudobných sa postupne vypracoval na najhľadanejšieho zločinca osemdesiatych a deväťdesiatych rokov 20.[...]

Krvavá história KolumbieDokumentárna kniha Marka Bowdena o love na najhľadanejšieho zločinca na svete, narkobaróna Pabla Escobara, bola ocenená novinárskou cenou Cornelia Ryana. Jedného dňa Mark sedel u istého pracovníka vlády, ktorý mal na stene zarámovanú zaujímavú fotografiu. Keď sa ho Mark Bowden opýtal, čo je to za fotografiu, pracovník mu odpovedal, že na snímke je zabitý Pablo Escobar, ktorý im (vláde USA) spôsobil veľa problémov. Tak sa začal Mark Bowden zaujímať o život a osud muža zo snímky.

A tour de force of investigative journalism-this is the story of the violent rise and fall of Pablo Escobar, the head of the Colombian Medellin cocaine cartel. Escobar's criminal empire held a nation of thirty million hostage in a reign of terror that would only end with his death. In an intense, up-close account, award-winning journalist Mark Bowden exposes details never before revealed about the U.S.-led covert sixteen-month manhunt. With unprecedented access to important players including Colombian president Cisar Gaviria and the incorruptible head of the special police unit that pursued Escobar, Colonel Hugo Martinez-as well as top-secret documents and transcripts of Escobar's intercepted phone conversations, Bowden has produced a gripping narrative that is a stark portrayal of rough justice in the real world."