Pop Goes the Weasel (Helen Grace, #2)

M.J. Arlidge

DI Helen Grace returns in Pop Goes the Weasel, the electrifying new thriller from M. J. Arlidge.The body of a middle-aged man is discovered in Southampton's red-light district - horrifically mutilated..., with his heart removed.Hours later - and barely cold - the heart arrives with his wife and children by courier.A pattern emerges when another male victim is found dead and eviscerated, his heart delivered soon afterwards.The media call it Jack the Ripper in reverse; revenge against the men who lead sordid double lives visiting prostitutes. For Grace, only one thing is certain: there's a vicious serial-killer at large who must be halted at all costs . . .

Knihy detektívka ikar novinka recenzia

Minule som sa sťažovala, že mnohé dobré detektívky sa nedočkajú pokračovania, hoci by si ho zaslúžili. A aha ho, teraz som sa dostala práve k druhému pokračovaniu série, kde som prvú časť naopak prehliadla (a podľa anotácie by ma určite dosť bavila). Nevadí, skúsme to brať ako prvé plus do dnešnej recenzie. Zápletka druhého dielu […]

Meno vyšetrovateľky Helen Graceovej je známe azda každému milovníkovi detektívnych príbehov. Po prvýkrát sa objavilo v diele Jeden musí z kola von, ktoré vyšlo v slovenskom preklade minulý rok. Teraz vychádza ďalšia kniha obľúbeného anglického spisovateľa M.J. Arlidgea s názvom Na koho to slovo padne. Čo si o nej myslím ja? Keď v pochybnej mestskej štvrti nájdu zohavené telo muža[...]

DI Helen Grace returns in Pop Goes the Weasel, the electrifying new thriller from M. J. Arlidge.

The body of a middle-aged man is discovered in Southampton's red-light district - horrifically mutilated, with his heart removed.

Hours later - and barely cold - the heart arrives with his wife and children by courier.

A pattern emerges when another male victim is found dead and eviscerated, his heart delivered soon afterwards.

The media call it Jack the Ripper in reverse; revenge against the men who lead sordid double lives visiting prostitutes. For Grace, only one thing is certain: there's a vicious serial-killer at large who must be halted at all costs . . .